Friday, February 1, 2013

Holy lard Funny Fat Chic, to the Fat Mobile!!

I have always gotten excited by good food. Sometimes even by bad food. I don't believe that is something that is ever going to change irregardless of my weight status. I would like to believe the better the food the more satisfied I will be and the less I will eat, but honestly, who am I kidding. The title of this post has to do with the point in my life that I began realizing food was a "problem" for me, I wasn't ready to deal with it yet, but in the back of my mind I knew it was an issue.

Holy lard <insert my real name>, to the Fat Mobile!! Was what one of my besties in high school would yell up the ag room stairs at lunch time, indicating it was time to race into "town" and get some grub. The reason we had to race was because at my school there was a mass exodus everyday from the high school and if you didn't get out early you might miss out. There were two significant food events that happened in the small town that I grew up in while I was in high school. First, the local barber got a mail order bride from the Far East and he opened her a deli. She made Asian fair that was so delicious it was borderline indescribable. Everyday she made a set amount of her Asian noodles and if you didn't get there before they were gone she would say, "No noodles, no noodles for you today!", in a sharp tone that was oddly reminiscent of the soup Nazi on Seinfeld, thus we deemed her the "Noodle Nazi", even though racially we were WAY off base. Option two for lunch was the Taco Bell that opened up my sophomore year in one of the three gas stations in town. It was not hard to overwhelm this miniature Taco Bell, so, again, if you didn't get there early, you might miss out or have to return to school empty handed because you were gonna be late for class and the line was too long. It was our quest each day to obtain one of these delicious, tasty, oh-so-yummy treats and beat out "the boys" so that it would be their NO NOODLE day. Its an interesting phenomenon when your entire day revolves around whether you are gonna get that meal. Its more than just nourishment, its a competition, I would hate to miss out on my portion the fake cheese Taco Bell melted between two tortillas, or heaven forbid I not get my noodles and lemon pepper chicken. Needless to say, I got an early start on my Freshman fifteen... or should I say Freshman 50+.

Currently, all I can think about is hot wings. Super Bowl Sunday is coming up and you can bet your bottom dollar I am going to have me some hot wings. Which, you know what, that's ok. I'm just gonna refrain from eating them like I will never see them again, or worse yet, like one of the people I am watching the Super Bowl with might get more than me. I can cook, my family can cook, like really cook, so, the wings will be nothing short of amazing and I am gonna be happy with the few that I partake in and not obsess about what it might be doing to the size of my butt. I have worked hard all week on my diet and my exercise program and some wings on Sunday aren't gonna take that away from me. Just remember its ok to be human sometimes and enjoy the party!

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