Monday, February 25, 2013

Insanity check in Week 1

I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm alive. Not only did I survived my first week of Insanity but I survived round 2 of the flu. Still shaking the last of the flu, but not curled up in the fetal position wanting to die anymore. So, you know, bonus all around. Here is what I can tell you about Insanity so far. It's hard. Not a little hard, a lot. It's short in comparison to other workouts I've done. As in no more than 40 minutes. If you aren't gushing sweat by the end of the first 3-5 minutes then you aren't trying. My lungs where en fuego (ON FIRE). I missed one workout due to my illness, and believe me, you would have too. At the conclusion if Week One, I can barely lower myself to the toilet my legs are so sore, I can raise my arms but they immediately fall down and involuntarily hit me in the head, and I'm feeling muscles in my back I didn't know I had. So, this could potentially be a game changer. Shaun T, the instructor is encouraging, keeps things rolling, and makes sure you don't hurt yourself. He even has people in the video take breaks if they are spent. These people have been through Insanity and it's still too hard for them. Whoa. Just sayin. He keeps saying he's not trying to break me, just make me better. I sure want to believe him. There are no weights or bands in this workout, the only tool you have is you, hard not to confront your physical demons when that is all you are working against. All in all I would say the end of week one is good report and hopefully not being as sick I can push a little harder this week.

Results for Week One:
Weight: 184.0 (down 3.8lbs)
Other measurements... Not til the end!
Motivation: Still good, still want to keep going, still convinced I'm on the right track.
Strength Factor: I am basically jell-o, not even all the way set-up jell-o.

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