Monday, February 18, 2013

I figure I have two rounds left.

I completed a goal... I am officially done with P90X. Yeah... Handstand (pretend)... Back flip (also pretend)... Fist pump, fist pump (those are real)!!!

I am still fat. :( Sad face. But, here is the deal, I am more fit than when I started P90X, so, kudos Tony Horton, you did your job. It's not your fault I was too fat to get fully fit in 90 days. So, what now you ask?? I am going to do Insanity (another Beach Body product). It is 60 days and is supposed to be a pound shredder. We'll see. I tend to like to prove these deals wrong. Hahaha. The problem is that most of the people that are in the testimonials for these programs are not doing anything when they start. I have now completed TapOut XT and P90X back to back, I regularly hike, I ride my horses every night, what I am saying is that I'm not not active. Did that make sense?? Plus, like I talked about last week, busting through a plateau is a challenge for any fitness regime, busting through one of mine is like that commercial where the wrecking ball is a giant stuffed pink bunny trying to knock down a building... It's gonna happen, but it's gonna take awhile and a good deal of perseverance. So, onto Insanity it is. I feel like it is aptly named for my current state of being. After that my TapOut XT2 should arrive and I will be good to go. It's a 90 day program. So my goal is that by summer-ish, approx 150 days from now, ok, mid-summer, I should be at my target weight/fitness level/ideal size of pants. I don't think that is asking too much, do you??

I'm gonna do the next two rounds a little different though. I'm doing the whole embarrassing picture of me in a sports bra and shorts and measure everything. I mean everything. Arms, chest (if you know me you just thought to yourself, "what chest??"), waist, hips, thighs, and calves. I'm gonna skip my wrists and ankles, they have been through enough. And my earlobes, I'm gonna skip those too. It is easy to get part way into one of these programs and feel like nothing is happening, especially if the scale isn't dropping pounds like dead flies. So, this time I decided to have a concrete jumping off place. I think it's a good idea even if no one but me sees it. I'm undecided about what and how much I should post here, I want to stay true to my honest promise, but I don't want to mortify anyone either. I guess you will find out in the next day or two what I decide. Prepare yourselves for some depressing blog posts, I'm sure I am in for an eye opener tonight when I get busy writing all this info down. But, I still feel like it's gonna be an important part of the final process. Maybe it will be motivation or a kick in the pants, that's what I am aiming for. I need to see where I came from so I know where I am at. I should have done it waaaaay back at the beginning, but I just wasn't ready. It will be a valuable tool, I am convinced. Simple. Duh. Why didn't I think of this before?? Wish me luck, and strength, and endurance, and the ability to forgive my flab. I'm gonna need it all.

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