Monday, February 11, 2013

Everyone is an expert.

I would like to preface this post by saying that I have an AMAZING support team when it comes to my weight loss. My family, friends, and coworkers have all been utterly supportive, encouraging, and down right patient with me. When I mention some of the "bad" compliments at the end, they are in no way pertaining to you, 'cause I know you guys are loyally reading this. Disclaimer over.

When you lose a large amount if weight, or heck, just a noticeable amount of weight, it's a public affair whether you want it to be or not. And when you get close to your goal, or noticeably close to your goal there are two types of comments that you get. One is welcomed, the other is utter garbage and should be kept to one's self if that is the opinion you have. The first is the typical compliments that are always welcome. The "you look great", and "your skinnier every time I see you", and "look how pretty you are" are always appropriate and endearing compliments. They only turn sour if they are followed by "how much have you lost?" or "isn't amazing what happens when you push yourself away from the table?", or something along those lines. Asking someone how much weight they have lost is right up there with asking a rancher how many cattle they have or a millionaire how much money they've got in the bank(s). It's poor form, if they offer the info it's one thing, but it's rude to just come out and ask. And implying that you know what someone else's struggle has been like or diminishing it's validity is just plain mean. I guess even good compliments can go bad, but for the most part, they are good, and welcomed, and nice. And then there's the bad ones. My personal favorite is the "you're getting too skinny, it's time to stop losing weight". I have gotten that one from several people lately. Here are my issues with it. First of all, I'm not too skinny. I have 30 pounds to go by my own standards and realistically, 50 pounds by any professionals standards. These are not small numbers. These are still technically "obese" numbers. So don't tell me I'm too skinny. Secondly, who are you to tell me what I should look like. I've worked hard to get this far, don't tell me I shouldn't finish this goal or not continue on this journey. When I was fat you were polite enough to talk about that behind my back, at least do me the same courtesy now. And just because my loss is visible doesn't make it open for public debate or discussion. I think about it enough on my own without having it brought to my attention. And lastly, I'm mostly doing this for my health. Partly because I want to look good, but mostly for my health. Only a crazy, self-righteous person would walk up to a smokers and tell them they should quit. And you never see someone go over to a 300lb man and tell him to put the large pizza down. You don't catch folks going into bars telling the regulars to put down their drink. But, because people think it is a compliment, they are more than happy to tell you to stop losing weight. So, by this line of logic, you were much happier when I was fat than when I'm at a healthy weight, you didn't feel like I was doing a disservice to myself or society at large then. Well, I guess everyone is an expert. If I ever get to the "too skinny" stage feel free to come and point it out, you know, if I haven't blown away in the wind or anything like that.

Disclaimer #2... I do not consider myself to be an expert. I am Forest Gump-ing my way through this weight loss deal. There are no replacements for nutritionists, trainers, or doctors when it come to weight loss. So, take all my advice with a grain of salt... and a shot of tequila, everything makes more sense with tequila.

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