Sunday, February 24, 2013

I'm that girl.

I've always prided myself on being a bit of a tom boy. The girl that doesn't mind getting dirty, hangs with the boys, likes trucks and guns and action movies. As it turns out I'm also the girl that likes to have her nails done.

I like to think I am witty. I have a smarty pants comeback to just about anything, like to tell funny stories, and enjoy a good joke. I deflect with humor. As it turns out, I'm uber sensitive and get my feelings hurt easily.

I make a big effort to be an organized person. Have my ducks in a row. Keep my house clean. Try to emit efficiency. In reality, I let my room be a total mess.

I believe I can lose weight and get fit by just making some lifestyle changes. Eating right, working out, etc. I don't have to obsess about it or let it consume me. Truth is, I'm the girl that enters every calorie she consumes into an app on her phone so I don't go over my RDI, so I can see my fat, carb, protein ratio, so I can obsess. But, I think it's actually helping, it's keeping me honest about what I'm eating. It tracks my exercise too and gives me my deficit or excess for the day. It's a little overkill, but I think it's a good tool to get me through these final pounds. It's a part of my efforts and my accountability. If I feel like I need a break, I just don't record that day. It happens about once every two weeks. But I still have a little running tally going in my head, so I must be getting programmed. Calorie counter??? Yep, I'm that girl.

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