Saturday, February 9, 2013

Strange but true.

I prefer to workout in the dark. Why? I have no idea. If I put on my psychologist hat I could make some guesses. First, I see everything. I can't turn off my observation skills, ever. If I ever claim I missed something I'm most likely lying because I didn't want to be a part of what I was seeing. I have naughty selective hearing like that too. This is a good reason why I don't do well at gyms. I am constantly watching other people, silently judging their workouts, becoming self conscience of my own, and eventually wondering who is watching me. My theory is I prefer to workout in the dark to stay focused, keep my mind on my movements and my movements on my mind, so to speak. In addition, I also prefer to workout by myself. Having another person workout with me does not motivate me like it does others, it makes me extremely self-conscience. It also trips my competitive trigger and ends up not being much fun for the other person. Its best if I sweat alone, at least when it comes to exercise. I would someday like to find out how I would do with a trainer. After I win that gosh darn lottery I'll let you know how much I enjoy my nutritionist and personal trainer, hahaha. My second theory is that I figure nobody wants to see me jiggling my fat arse around, apparently not even myself. If I can't see it, it must not be there, right? I'm weird all around about light anyways. In the mornings, if you want to make me angry, go ahead and wake me up by turning on the lights, instant anger ball. Or, here's one for you, more often than not I shower in the dark too. I'm high functioning in the morning and can get a lot done, just don't talk to me or turn the lights on too soon. Don't get me wrong, I love the light, sunshine, etc. I get down right depressed if I don't get enough, but some situations just call for the lights to be out. Strange, but true.

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