Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I just wanna sleep!!

Ok, here we are, Wednesday, middle of the road, middle of the week, blah, blah, blah. Time for me to complain... again. I don't what my deal is but I am going on like day 6 of ridiculous, next to nothin, sleep. I am trying to do everything right, I am active all day, workout, I should have plenty of reason to be tired, I don't eat for at least 2 hours before bed so I'm not digesting all night, I keep my room dark, etc., etc., etc. What the heck gives?? If this is the beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse, then let's get on with it!! Last night I was up at 11, 12:30, and finally from 3:30 on. I've counted sheep, counted from 500 backwards, I could probably win some weird bar contest with that skill by now. I've tried chamomile tea before bed. I'm reading a dull book that should put anyone into a coma, but nope, not me. Insomnia is a family trait, my Mom is the worst and seems to be able to function on 6 hours pretty comfortably. I just know that for health and weight loss reasons it would sure be great if I was getting a regular 8 hours, but something is keeping that from happening. Toss, turn, lay on my back with my arms over my head, sprawl on my stomach with a leg hiked to the side, curl up in the fetal position, one blanket, two blankets, an arrangement of pillows that looks like I had a pillow fight from hell every morning.... It's getting ugly, man. Some demon is wrestling with me at night and keeping my mind racing and my eyes open, and he has got to go, just sayin'.

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