Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Motivation... Or lack there of.

I lost my motivation last night. I didn't do my Insanity. Now I feel like a total a-hole. I just can't decide if its this lingering flu or what my deal is, but something got the better of me last night. My plan is to get back at it tonight, right, wrong, or indifferent. This week for me is busy and a bit of a cluster. The one thing that I have found about these programs is that they aren't conducive to anything outside of "routine". Or at least not outside of my routine. I have my days scheduled out to the max and if I try to add something it seems like the exercise is the first thing to go... I can make it up on the weekend, right? Except I don't think that is the point. Is it ok to take an extra day off? Do I feel guilty for no reason or should I be beating myself up until I get ripped? How do you deal with flu/colds and working out? Do I just get myself all the way better and then resume, or suck it up and roll on? I have a trip planned this weekend and I'm sure that will end up in another missed workout, but I'm going to try and not have that happen. I know I am not the only one out there that has life (work, responsibilities, etc.) to deal with. How do the rest of you make time or keep your priorities in line so that your exercise program doesn't get put on the back burner? This is all the crazy questions that run through my head, be nice to hear some answers sometimes...

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