Friday, January 18, 2013

The coffee conspiracy.

There are going to be a large number of you that gasp when I tell you what I am about to tell you. Prepare yourself. I DON'T DRINK COFFEE. I never have, but I feel like I have good reason not to now. This is my take on coffee and what it does to/for you.

Coffee on its own probably isn't that bad. It is a stimulant and a diuretic. And for many a crutch. But, add all the things that people like to put in coffee and you not only have a calorie packed cup of joe, you have something that once you have some you have to keep having more. Back to our addiction discussion... 'member. If you opt for the calorie free additives, you are putting what I like to call "fake food" in your body and your digestive system has to decide how to deal with it. Often times that means recognizing it as sugar even if it isn't. So, here is what I observe about coffee drinkers. They get up in the morning and aren't fully awake until they have had their coffee, aka stimulant. So, here comes the non-dairy creamer and the fake sugar, or the real creamer and the real sugar. After that first cup wears off its still morning time, so they have another cup to get them through the morning. Spike that blood sugar and make use of that stimulant one more time. Often times this routine replaces breakfast. Their bodies are running off of pure chemical stimulus instead of a healthier fuel option. So, lunch rolls around and since all they have had is junk, often times that what they will crave at lunch. You eat junk, you want more junk, you eat healthy, you want more healthy. Simple. And since breakfast was out, your body thinks you have starved it and it will want to hang onto every bit of that junk you just fed it. Afternoon comes and the coffee drinkers crash. They either have to have more coffee or switch to food that will give them that same punch, i.e. candy bar, energy bar, or better yet an energy drink. Every time you come down from a high, you are gonna want/need something to pick you back up. I believe coffee perpetuates this cycle. There are studies out there that say it will help with weight loss, but that is just the short term effect of a diuretic. I am searching for long term, sustainable weight loss options. Just something to ponder over your morning cup of joe.

Officially off of my high horse now, thanks for tolerating my rant.

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