Thursday, January 10, 2013

My body is a temple...

My body is a temple... Actually, mine is more like a shack down by the river, but a shack I would like to keep standing for as long as I can none-the-less. How many times have you heard a fitness or nutrition nut say those words, "My body is a temple"? Its an all inclusive statement that basically means they not only worship themselves, but they would never dare to put any garbage in their temple and they keep their temple in great shape by working it out on a regular basis. Its also generally used as a judgemental statement because most of the times that you hear that phrase is when you are about to do something bad to your own body, like eat a donut, these people mention it in passing as if to say I would NEVER do to my body what you are about to do to yours.

Here's what I think. You have to take care of yourself. No doubt about it. But, you also have to be human. If you don't act human on occasion one of two things will happen. A) You will fall off of whatever wagon you are riding, and hard. B) You will become one of those people that say things like, "My body is a temple". Nobody likes those people, they are presumptuous, judgemental, and have some great underlying insecurities somewhere that they are covering up like a cat covers up crap.

Allow yourself to "eat" socially, have a drink now and again, miss a workout if you are incredibly busy. Its ok. Think of it in percentages... Be amazing 85% of the time, don't cheat, workout, do the thing. Be a beautifully flawed human 15% of the time. Everything in moderation (a lovely non-specific term left open for way too much interpretation), or so they say. Take care of your shack down by the river so that you can enjoy the view for as long as possible, just make sure you do enjoy the view from time to time!!

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