Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Eat a cheeseburger...

I don't know what its like where you are, but it has been relatively cold where I am at. Like single or minus digits kinda cold. Plus snow. Plus ice. And, while I still have plenty of insulation I am packing around, its not near as much as I used to. So, now, when I get cold I seem to stay that way for a loooooong time.

One of my bestest, funniest, and dearest friends has a saying that is applicable in this scenario. If she ever sees a girl that is shivering because she is nothing but skin and bones, or one that has trouble lifting anything over 5lbs because the muscle mass just isn't there, she serves up no pity, not an ounce of sympathy. Nope, she simply says, "that girl needs to eat a cheeseburger". Funny. Oh, so funny. But, all I really want (and possibly need) is a cheeseburger right now. One with blue cheese in the middle, stacked with bacon, and spicy mayo. Tomato, lettuce... Some ciabatta type of bun. Maybe some sweet potato fries on the side. Lord help me!

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