Wednesday, January 9, 2013


A funny thing happens when you get down to a particular size, or more like a certain "look", people treat you differently. And when I say people, I mean people that aren't fat. Now, don't take this as a finger pointing, hear me out and read the whole thing. All of a sudden you are included in conversations about activities, you know, the active things that people do on the weekends like hike, ski, play big kid softball. Before you were never included because they figured, you're fat, I'm sure you're not interested. I for one have always been interested, fat or not. People start to open doors for you. Its like before, they were thinking, hey, do something fat person, you can at least open a door. If you are a girl, guys start to flirt with you. Ranging from innocent at work flirting to getting hit on at the bar, its all flirting that wasn't happening x-amount of pounds ago. The list goes on, and none of this is extreme prejudice, I'm not trying to lump fat people into their own segregated, oppressed group. Just saying, there is a difference.

So, my question is this... Are people treating me different because of how they view me, or because of how I view myself??? Here's the thing... When I am fat and miserable, yes, the two go hand in hand, I don't take very good care of myself. I'd often skip washing my face at night. I could give two s*^#s about what my nails look like. I'd eat garbage and feel like garbage. I wouldn't worry about things like posture or make any effort to have it. I'd dress like a guy because those clothes are easy to hide in. I'd look in the mirror and absolutely hate myself and the look on my face, the same look I'm sure everyone around me saw all day long. When I am thinner, I take MUCH better care of myself. I never miss washing my face. I get my nails done, because I like them pretty. I wear clothes that fit better (at least half of the time :)) and walk a little straighter. I look people in the eye. I say please, and thank you, with a smile, and mean it. I'm not constantly thinking, "what are they thinking about me?". I am in the activities conversations because I am actually DOING the activities.

If we walk around pointing a finger at people and thinking that they are treating us badly or differently all the time it only builds the negative persona. Stop and think if they are treating you different because they are actually big ole jerks or are they just reflecting what you are feeling about yourself?? Worth the ponder. And, if you are at the beginning of your weight loss journey, don't wait until you are x-amount of pounds light to start treating yourself better. Take care of yourself now and you will be amazed at how much better you will feel and how people will respond to that!!

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