Wednesday, February 25, 2015

You'll never guess...

Guess what happened to day!?!?!?

You'll never guess what happened today.

But really, guess what happened today?!?!?!?

Oh, geez, you'll never guess what happened, I'll just tell you.

Remember a month or more ago when I went to the Buckle for the first time. I bought a shirt there, not the one the sales girl wanted me to buy, but one that I could afford and thought was pretty and secretly hoped would fit me when I got home. It didn't. In case you didn't know, that is a fat kid thing. We don't try on clothes in a store. Or at least I don't. There is nothing like a public display of your self-esteem deflating when something doesn't fit. So, at the Buckle I bought the biggest size they have (XL) and rolled on. I tried it on at home a couple weeks later, it didn't fit. It was too tight in the arms and wouldn't fall flat over my gut. It is a pretty open front cardigan that is my favorite color of coral and has lace panels. It's girly and covers my butt, so of course I love it.

Well, today, it fit JUST RIGHT!! I want you all to be aware that this is the first article of clothing that I have worn in long time that doesn't have a number in front of the X. Not even a 1. There is a definite difference between a 1XL and an XL. A sick, twisted, mind effing difference. So, I totally know that sizes run differently in every brand. I know that it was an open front shirt. I know that it probably isn't a huge deal. But it is a HUGE deal to me!!! I needed a little sign of progress. At least in the clothing department. My pants are big, but I am still wearing the same ones. My shirts are big, but I am still wearing the same ones. I just needed a little gauge to tell me that I was winning the war somewhere on my body besides in my bra. My chest cannot get any smaller without me having a minor (by minor, I mean major) meltdown.

Speaking of the war, it is a full on battle with Shaun T right now. This Gamma round kicks ass, and kicks my ass! I love, love, love the weights he has incorporated. Tonia threw me a bone the last two days and modified, although I didn't need her very often. That Speed 3.0 where she went all out was brutal. The burpees are in full force in every video. My goal is to be able to keep my legs together when I come back up to the standing position. Right now they still spread when I try to get vertical. The only way to fix that is to keep doing them. My other really weak point is my triceps. I'm not certain that I have any. I definitely don't have ones that can support my body weight for more than 3 reps. I'm glad that this round has shown me some things to work on and strive for. Keeping my workout fresh is what brings me back to do it the next day. I'm gonna keep on keeping on until there isn't an X in front of my L.

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