Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Enough with the hair already!

First, sorry I skipped yesterday. I packed it in yesterday, not a minute to spare. By the time I got home from hot yoga, I was done for the day.

Second, let's talk a little about hot yoga yesterday. Again, I am shocked at the number of men that attend this class. They are there in force, they proudly display their speedos, and they are bendy as hell. Bendy=Flexible. The gentlemen last night had all obviously been doing yoga for quite sometime. They could ease their way into the more advanced postures. Their abilities are something to strive for. Good job dudes!!! Keep after it!! Last night was a new instructor for me. She was a vision. Now, before you start thinking that I am batting for the other team, bear with me, let me explain. This gal was lithe, lean, flexible, graceful. When she walked she floated around the room. She had long legs, long arms, long neck, long everything. She was a gazelle. I want to be her. I will NEVER be her. Genetics say I will NEVER be her. But maybe my compact, muscle bound, pudgy body can strive to move like her. Maybe that is a realistic goal. She had a great voice that was soothing during the down times and encouraging during physically/mentally trying times. This is a trait that all the instructors have.  That must be part of their training. I can honestly say that I have enjoyed all of the instructors. I took a couple girlfriends with me last night, one was her second class, one was a first timer. There is still mixed reviews about whether they like the hot yoga or not. It's a tough deal, it messes with your body and your brain. Tough deal. I'm enjoyed last night, it was a good session for me. I think I'll keep going when I can.

Today. I worked out this morning, I have my afternoon job today and then BUNCO with local ladies tonight. That means I worked out after a fast. It was good. I pushed a little harder thinking about how I wanted be a gazelle instead of a wildebeest. I also waxed my nose hair today. Say what? Did you just throw us a nose hair curve ball, Funny Fat Chic??? Sure did. I think I mentioned that I could see them in car rearview mirror. They have been taunting me. Irritating me. I was getting self-conscious about them. I need one more thing to be self-conscious about like I need a hole in my head. So, thanks to the amazing world of Amazon Prime, I ordered myself a nose hair wax kit (I wasn't gonna be caught dead buying that stuff at Wal*Mart, besides I needed season 5 of Breaking Bad) and this morning I took it for a whirl. Problem number one. I don't have a microwave. It is partially due to lack of counter space and partially due to the fact that I don't think they are healthy. We'll get in to that another time. How did I heat up my wax? I boiled it. By golly I boiled the heck out of it. I dipped the applicator stick, I pulled my lip down, stuck that thing up my nose, and then I waited. 90 seconds is a long time when you are gearing yourself for pulling out all your nose hair. That is a lot of time to think about what is about to happen. If you have ever plucked one of your nose hairs you know that there is some direct connection between it and your tear ducts. What they heck is gonna happen when you yank all of them??? Well, problem number two. You are supposed to yank them, not slowly pull them out. My 90 seconds was up and I panicked a little at the thought of yanking that applicator stick. I finally did it because I have to work with the general public today and having a white plastic stick hanging out of my nose was not really going to cut it. So, yank I did. Turns out it didn't really hurt all that bad. Not a pleasurable feeling, but no tears were shed. What was left on that stick BLEW. MY. MIND. Who knew you had that much hair in your nose?!?!?!?!?!? I won't go into any more details, but it was impressive to say the least.

I'll leave you with that final image. Happy hump day!!

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