Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Two for Tuesday

Is it Tuesday already?? Sorry I missed Monday. Here is my list of excuses: I started a new job. It is adding about 20 hours to my week. Why? Because I like to make money, I do better when I'm crazy busy, and I don't know the word no. I'm actually really excited about this job, so, it's a good thing, a really good thing. I rushed off to hot yoga last night after work and chores. I decided I could fit it in. I couldn't really, I'm a little behind for my class reading. But I'll catch up. All will be good. That's it for excuses, no dog ate my homework, no my alarm didn't go off, just a good ole plain, I ran out of time.

So, yesterday was my third consecutive day of hot yoga. I'm not going to be able to 20 days in a row like my Mom, but I'm going to go as often as I can. Weird stuff is happening. I'm sore. Hip flexors first. Shoulders and lats came next. I get a headache after class each time. Weird. I think, now bare with me 'cause I'm gonna sound kooky, it is toxins leaving my body. The poses are done in a specific order and designed to focus on different systems in your body (aka lymphatic, digestive, circulatory, etc.) and as a result your body tries to push out the bad stuff. Weird. On Sunday I could feel energy coming in my hands during Savase. I don't know if that is how you spell it, but it is where you are laying on the floor with your palms up. Weird. I am getting over the smell in the room. Nothing a little Vics Vapor Rub couldn't fix. Weird. I am getting less hung up about how I look in the mirror. It is ME as of right now. I'm obviously there doing something to work on that pudgy, batwing-armed, inflexible human in the mirror. It would only be reverse progress to dwell on my appearance. Plus, as I'm sure we all remember, I vowed not to hate myself. I'm there being supportive of my Mom and doing something good for myself, what's to hate?? I talked a couple of the girls into going with me on two of the days. We had mixed reviews. One really liked it, one is still on the fence. I totally get it. I may still be on the fence. I just know that it is challenging, and if it is challenging, then it must be something I need to work on. The one thing that we all agree on is that we had no idea that the human body could sweat so much. It is impressive. Weird. Yoga kinda messes with your mind a little bit too. The regular yogis (I think that is what you call them), are very zen and can lay there very still when it is time to be still, I can't do this. Physically I can make myself for a short period of time but I can't get my mind to stop racing. Pretty good indicator that I need to stay after this yoga deal when I have time. A person should be able to be still. So, that is my yoga story so far. I'll keep telling it as it happens.

Today. Today was NOT a two for Tuesday. I have been doing at least two workouts a day since I fired the blog back up. Not bragging, just saying. I need it, believe me. The yoga mirror tells me I have a LONG WAYS to go. But with the advent of yoga, I haven't taken a rest day in a couple weeks. I didn't want to deter from my T25 timeline. So, today I compromised. I only did T25. It was Upper Focus today, one of the easier workouts right now. I did that and only that. I decided it was ok to go easy on myself for a day. Everyone needs a rest sometimes. Otherwise burnout is inevitable. I'm all about mental toughness, but you have to listen to your body too. Mine said, "slow your roll, Funny Fat Chick." Now I am going to crank out some homework. Balance, balance, balance. Balance my diet. Balance my time management. Balance in tree pose. I am all about attempting to balance these days. I'm not balanced yet. But I am really working on it.

I was going to do a Super Bowl Sunday post about all the good food and couple of beers I had and how I really tried to just portion myself. But then the Seahawks lost and, well, the wound is just to fresh and too deep. Just know that I ate hot wings and I don't even feel bad about it.

On a side note. How amazing would two tacos be right now? Street tacos to be specific.

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