Friday, February 6, 2015

The N-word

Nooooo, not that N-word, get your mind out of the gutter. Nope, this N-word is NAKED.

Shaun T posted a new podcast this week for Define Your Life. I've told you before that this podcast talks about more than just fitness, but it is basically how the rest of your life relates to your fitness. It delves into issues like motivation, self-image, confidence, the ability to handle being uncomfortable, etc. This week he interviewed his friend Todd. Who is this famous Todd I speak of?? Just a dude. A dude that lives in North Carolina. He used to be a fatty, he lost weight and got fit on the Beachbody programs, and inadvertently met Shaun T. They have rapid become the best of friends. They workout together via Skype, they travel to see each other as often as possible, they are Soul Brothers. This was really nothing more than two dudes talking while they were sitting out on the deck on Super Bowl Sunday. I like that.

They touched on a lot of things, but one of the things was that Todd was not comfortable with was walking around naked in front of his wife. Shaun T used to hate walking around naked too. As it turns out, dudes have insecurities about their bodies too. Who knew??? I guess ladies don't have the corner market on that one. Now, I don't want to delve into any sexual aspects of walking around naked, I just thought it was crazy that these two super ripped guys weren't nudists in general. I'd like to think that if I looked that amazing (Shaun T buzz word), you all would get a glimpse of me in my birthday suit because I am going to show that body off. Just kidding. I am the least likely person that you will ever see naked, amazing body or not. I freak out in locker rooms. I sometimes work out in the dark I don't have to see myself. Moral of the story was that it is important to love your body. Love your body at every phase. It is the only body that you have. Literally. You only get the one. So why not love it? Now, I don't want you to think that I woke up this morning and fully embraced my front pouch (insert yucky belly) or my dimply thighs or my flappy arms. Nope, didn't happen. But I thought about it. Maybe that counts for something.

Here is what I did do. I worked out in a pair of shorts and a sports bra. And my tennis shoes. And ankle socks. That's it. Nothing else. I thought if those chicas on the video can do it, why can't I? They look so comfortable and free. Whenever I am in plank or doing push-ups I feel like my t-shirt is trying to suffocate me. Like it executing some deep seated revenge for me involving it my sweaty torture session. I'm in my home, by myself, nobody can see me scantily clad. So, I did it. I'm not gonna lie, I kinda liked it. I had to look at my disgusting gut, I had to see the wave of arm fat fly by my face every time I shot my arm in the air for a Mountain Climber. Today was double days on T25. By the time I did the second workout I wasn't even thinking about it. I killed my second workout. I didn't have a wet t-shirt clinging to every part of me, slowing me down. I just flopped around and focused on my core, and rocked it. Plain and simple. Does this constitute as me loving my body? No. For sure not. Is it as great a feat as walking around naked in front of someone? Nope. Not even close. Is it one step closer to me being more comfortable in my own skin. You betcha. Progress, however small, is still progress. Or at least that is what the omnificent, all-knowing power, Pinterest, says.

I thank Shaun T and Todd for me not suffocating during my workout day. Boom. And in case you missed it, I did thank Shaun T yesterday and he responded!!! Whoa. Double Boom. Have an awesome weekend. I'm sure I will have some Hot Yoga reports for you Monday. Peace out.

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