Monday, February 9, 2015

There was a hair...

OK, I would like to think that I am NOT a clean freak. I used to have a job that could be featured on Dirty Jobs. Seriously. I have put my bare hands in places people should never put their hands. I've lived to tell about it. But I do have some key things that I am kinda weird about. Public restrooms for starters. At yoga, there is a public restroom. It is VERY clean by public restroom standards. But, and this is a big but, people wander around the yoga place without their shoes on 'cause you do yoga without your shoes on. This means they go in the public restroom without their shoes on. This really freaks me out. FYI, I wear my shoes into the restroom. I have gotten sideways looks from the yogis for doing this. Ask me if I care. Nope, sure don't. On Saturday (the only day that I made it to yoga this weekend, life got in the way), I had a good yoga session. Another new instructor and she was extremely helpful. She helped me get a couple postures I was unable to get previously. Good, good, good. Now for the punch line. The second half of yoga you are literally gushing sweat from every pore of your body. It was so much this time it was running in my eyes and affecting my vision. There are portions where you are laying face down on the floor. Sometimes I don't realize that I have crept to the top of my mat and sometimes my head ends up off of my mat. At the end of class all you can think about is water. Lots and lots of water. So, you go chug the rest of your water bottle and then you refill it and then you head for the car. There is no better feeling than when you walk outside into the cool air. I have no idea how this will work in the summer time. I may be shopping for a convertible. Anyways, I get into the car and head up the road. Get my breath and bearings back. Then I got this funny feeling. You know when you can feel something in your mouth but you can't quite identify it??? Well, I made a few blind stabs at it and finally pulled a hair from my mouth. Now, if you have been a regular reader of the blog, you know that I have VERY curly hair. Yes, it's natural. This hair was not curly. Every time I do yoga I always pull a hair or two off of my yoga pants. I know they aren't mine. I mentally compartmentalize this fact, lock it up, throw the key away, and chuck the box off the side of a boat where it sinks to the bottom of the bad thought ocean. This hair came out of my mouth. THIS HAIR CAME OUT OF MY MOUTH. There is no compartmentalizing that. So, I think it is safe to say we found another thing that kinda weirds me out (biggest understatement of the year). Even though I found a hair in my mouth, even though I don't get to go everyday, even though the locker room brings up every insecurity I have had about my body since middle school, I still like yoga and I am seeing results from it. I can reach things during my T25 workout that I could not previous reach. Certain things are easier to execute than they were before. I don't think that I have really lost any more weight so I can only attribute this to yoga. I won't soon forget the hair thing, but I will try and let it go.

I was uncontrollably hungry this weekend. I tried very hard to portion myself and I think I did pretty well with that, but, and this is another big but, I could have tipped a cow and ate the heaven facing half a beef off the hoof. Where's the beef?!?! I kinda wonder if I was low in iron. Or, was I just plain hungry? Isn't that odd how some days you don't think about food all that much and other days it all you can do to not think about it? I was better today. A lot better. But I still can't help but wonder what gave over the weekend. Maybe hormones? Maybe tired. I have exerted myself a little harder the last couple weeks. Maybe it caught up with me. My insomnia is back a little bit. I'm not sure why. I'm a little stressed about school. It is the first of the year so I am a little stressed about money. I don't know why it has returned, but I do know that lack of sleep definitely makes me hungrier. All I can say is I let myself have a little indulgence with take-out Chinese food on Saturday night (but I ate about 1/2 of what I normally would), I kept up on my water, and stayed as busy as I possibly could. If there are consequences from any of that, then so be it.

That's my weekend wrap up, I almost ate a stranger's hair, I almost ate a half a beef, I did eat Chinese food, and I'm trying to compartmentalize all of that. Happy Monday!!!

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