Friday, February 13, 2015

Finally Friday

It has been a long week for me. I am much better today. Two days of anti-inflammatories has relieved some of the nerves firing in my back. I can walk and stand up without wanting to pee my pants, so bonus. I made a command decision to take the day off from working out. Getting after it today with a double work outright just lay me out for the weekend or worse. Plus, it is Friday the 13th and I am just superstitious enough to believe that if anything was gonna go wrong with me it would happen today. I am going to try doin my T25 after hot yoga tomorrow. I should be good a loose and free by then. So that is the long and the short of my recent drama. Physically, marginally better; mentally, a lot better.

I thought maybe I would wrap the week up by telling you about some products and things that I love. You know, health wise. We won't get into my boot or turquoise addictions. A Friday list, if you will. 

1) PB2. This is great stuff. My BFF turned me on to it and now I keep a jar (or two) on the shelf all the time. It is powdered peanut butter. They do something to it to remove 85% of the fat calories. You can do all kinds of things with it. I have used it to make peanut sauce for Thai food. Excellent idea. But, I mostly use it in my breakfast shake every so often to change up the flavor.
2) Speaking of breakfast shakes... Hemp Protein Powder. Excellent source of plant protein. Gluten free. Dairy free. Nothin but hemp. Add a banana and some almond milk, delicious. Add some cinnamon to that, tastes like a snicker doodle. Throw in some PB2, and it's a party.
3) T25. This is a duh. I love the workouts. I love Shaun T. I love the podcast, Define Your Life. Love it all. I just received Gamma round in the mail today. I only have another Beta week to go before I get to switch to Gamma. Exciting!!
4) Women's Health Big Book of Exercises. This is my resistance training book. The entire thing is pictures and descriptions of different exercises. The end portion of it is idiot proof work outs with page number references to the exercises. It has work outs for losing weight, 15 minute work outs, several different training modes, and even a body weight only set of work outs. Handy tool.
5) SIGG steel water bottles. I have two now. I don't even know what I ever did without them. I drink no less than 4L of water a day. My bottles are a liter each. I have a minor freak out if they aren't within my reach for more than 5 minutes. Just ask my yoga girlfriends, I wigged out in the car the other night. They are as big a part of me as my phone, or my spoon rings I never take off, or my wild curly hair.
6) Hot Yoga. This is a love/hate thing. I think it has infinite benefits, especially if you can go daily. My Mom has already made HUGE strides in the 20 days she has been going. HUGE. It is hard on my mind. I'm hoping tomorrow it will be helpful with my back. I wish it was closer to my home. We have to drive almost an hour to get to the studio. Like I said, love/hate.

7) New socks. I don't what it is about new socks, but they can bring sunshine to darkest of days. They feel so delightful on my feet. There is nothing like the feel of new socks before they have been washed for the first time. I can jump higher, run faster, stop speeding bullets, you know the drill. New socks are AWESOME (say it really fast with extra emphasis on the SOME).
8) Readers of The Final Fifty. That's right, I love you guys. The support and kind words that I get from you guys is awesome, and motivating, and empowering. I promise I'm not reaching out for sympathy on the bad days, I made a promise to myself that if the blog was gonna be honest I would have to report the good and the bad. I know for a fact I am not the only one that goes through ups and downs. Weight loss is hard. Making changes is hard. Being human is hard. Even yesterday, I got a range of messages from you guys that went from friends checking in on me, to funny cartoons that made me laugh, and people from my past that are health/life coaches offering support and advice. I cherish them all. You guys rock!!! 

That's my finally Friday list. On a side note, I'm thinking about buying a FitBit. I would love to hear from those of you that have them. Pluses, minuses, what do you love/hate about them??? Have a great weekend! Enjoy the unseasonably nice weather wherever you are, and get out and move a little!

P.S. Drink your water. Maybe even treat yourself to a new water bottle.

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