Thursday, February 19, 2015

A list...

I love that you guys are responding to posts and questions that I ask! Thank you for being engaged!!! Not engaged to me, but involved in the blog. I'm never gettin engaged, it's written in stone somewhere. I also have friends sending me awesome little pick-me-up sayings, motivational memes, and great information! For instance, I got tagged in the following picture today. I loved it, it is a good gut check. Let's go through it and see how I am doing...

#1 Consistency. We talked a little about this yesterday. I am definitely being consistent right now. I'm a machine. But it is the maintenance consistency I struggle with. I'm sure I won't have to worry about that for another 3 years at the rate I am losing. But it is a bridge I am going to have to cross a looooong way down this road. 

#2 Keep track. Yep, fail. Epic fail. I'm not measuring and I'm not weighing. Since this is an honesty zone, I'll tell you why. I'm afraid to. I'm afraid the numbers are going to be so high it will depress me and I will quit. I don't want to know the number. I know it is too high; for now, that's all I need to know. 

#3 Strengthen Your Core. T25 is all about the core. It's worked into every workout and several workouts are core only. Although my heart rate elevates enough that I think Shaun T is sneaking in cardio on me too. I'm just guessing, but I bet yoga is also addressing my core. Just a guess. I thought the back pain thing was interesting. I would say that my core still needs a significant amount of work. I still can't do boy push-ups, that has always been my core gut check in the past. Not there yet, not even close. I'm knees down all the way right now. 

#4 Lift Weights. I 💛💛💛 resistance training. Lifting weights is my reward for doing cardio. There is lots of body weight resistance in T25 plus I have started adding on a little more from my Big Book of Exercises. Check, and check. I love the definition that comes from weight training. I am quite certain that under all my flab I am VERY well defined. 

#5 Don't Compare Yourself To Other People. Boy, this is getting to be a lot like beating a dead horse. Focus on progress and not on comparing yourself to the gazelle floating through yoga class. Maybe she has to take Zoloft to be happy, who knows. Maybe she has a terrible car insurance rate. Maybe she has 7 toes on her left foot. None of those are problems I have, I'm just chubby. 

#6 Get a Work Out Buddy. I'm wishy washy on this one. My schedule is weird. Everyone these days is busy. I pair up with Mom at yoga. I get some of the girls to tag along sometimes. I actually like working out alone, I stay accountable (so far) and I push myself. So, let's just say  riding the fence on this one. 

#7 Practice Yoga. Done and done. I am getting it in my schedule as much as I possibly can. I am seeing a difference in my flexibility. My strength and weight loss are to be determined. My "centered-ness" is variable from day to day. What can I say, I am a fly in a lampshade. 

#8 Follow a Well Rounded Routine. I'm letting Beach Body and Shaun T figure this part out for me. They know what they are doing. And, I'm feeling very round, so they must be good at their job. Read that last line with just a hint of sarcasm. 

#9 Be Patient. Epic fail. I have none. I want this weight gone yesterday. No, I want it gone a month ago. Scratch that, I want it gone 20 years ago. I guess we found one I really need to work on. 

#10 Just Get Moving. Well, I'm a movin and a shakin and a jiggling and a wiggling. Done and done. 

I'll resist my urge to grade myself on how I am doing on this list. But, I would at least say I am trying on about 80% of these which is better than a poke in the nose. 

On an unrelated note, I have given up Subway for Lent. I have basically given up everything else naughty in the food department, so, this is what was left. I decided that giving up Subway would A) eliminate the last little bit of bread left in my life and, B) it would keep me accountable for eating a clean lunch the two days a week I have school. No more convenience eating. They also have some new hires at the Subway I go to and they have been effing up my sandwiches, so what better time to give up a vice. 

One more unrelated note. I crossed my legs while sitting today. Mind you it was a very comfortable, laid back chair and I had to do a touch of contorting to make it happen, but that is progress compared to last week. Whether that is a testament to my increasing flexibility or a decrease in the size of my thighs, I am not sure, but I'll take it. Again, it is better than a pole in the nose. 

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