Monday, February 23, 2015

The Hangover

I don't want the title to this post to mislead you into thinking that I married a stripper in Vegas, or woke up with a tattoo on my face, or met John Goodman over the weekend. This post will actually be a lot more boring than that. The title is my cheap attempt at getting you to read my posts. Call it false advertising. Or a graceful misrepresentation if you are feeling charitable.

My hangover falls squarely under the "I ate too much" over the weekend category. Either I am getting old, or I don't have my body trained for that kind of consumption right now, or I just plain old done myself wrong. My BFF's birthday was on Saturday and we hosted a shindig to celebrate her being awesome and our being lucky enough to have her in our lives. We (my BFF and I) have a thing for tacos. Basically tacos of ANY kind. So, of course, it was a taco party. I cooked for a good portion of the day which basically can be equated to all day grazing. There is spoon licking, taste testing, and bowl licking. Then, I went ahead and ate dinner with everyone as well. I kept it to two tacos and I tried to avoid the super naughty stuff. But it is possible that I consumed my weight in guacamole. I LOVE all things avocado. Especially guacamole. I topped off all the food with a few beers to keep with the party spirit.

Fast forward to the next two days. I felt (still kinda feel) like crap. There is no other poetic way to put it. It's not the same as an alcohol hangover by any means. I could raise my head above my chest without a pounding headache. I could tolerate loud noises. I just felt icky inside. Just goes to show you that there is more than one way to make yourself sick. At the time, I thought I was doing ok, but if I really add up what I consumed, I'm sure I over did it. I hate that I have to be so careful. There was a time I could have knocked out a fiesta, pounded more than my fair share of tacos, and been ready to have them again for breakfast. This is horse $#I%. Just sayin. I have drank a TON of water to make up for it yesterday and today, I started T25 Gamma, and I did yoga at home. I do feel a little better tonight. I have another big weekend next weekend that involves Basque food, a horse sale, breakfast at The Griddle (a place best experienced, not described), and the greatest bloody mary's on the planet. So, I'm gonna have to guess that I am gonna feel like crap after next weekend too. I truly thought I was moderating, but I better give it a little better effort next weekend. Apparently clean eating does have a downside, you have no tolerance for dirty eating. I am just assuming the opposite of clean eating is dirty.

The feeling like crap is not deterring the fact that I really, really want popcorn. RIGHT NOW. I haven't had it in months. For those of you new to the blog, I have a popcorn addiction. I could eat it for dinner every night of the week and twice on Sundays. There is none in the house and I have already removed my bra for the day, so hopefully this craving passes by the time I presentable again tomorrow.

On a T25 note... I started Gamma round today. The first workout was Speed 3.0. I was NOT fully prepared for this workout. First of all, Tonia is not modifying at all. And she is a machine! A super freak! Holy cow!! I could have sworn that this video was on fast-forward. There was a lot of burpee related moves and I am not at a point where I can SNAP back up from the floor as fast as those crazy fit super freaks were able to. I missed some reps of stuff and I was pretty maxed out by the last round. If this is what Gamma has to offer, I may be in a little bit of trouble.

Yoga at home was ok. I purchased a CD that gives you the same basic script that they do in the studio. Plus, no mirrors. Minus, I can't get my house as hot as the studio. Plus, less insecurities about what people are thinking about me. Minus, no one to hold me accountable in my postures. I did feel my spine loosen up which was great because I hadn't been to yoga since Tuesday last week. At home was not perfect, but I am guessing it is better than nothing. And my current schedule was not gonna allow for me to drive my happy butt all the way to Boise and back. I did purchase more classes for yoga. I have every intention of continuing to go to the studio when I can squeeze it in. I am getting more and more convinced that there are some major benefits to this yoga thing. That, and I still wanna look like a gazelle.

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