Thursday, February 26, 2015

I'm NOT a scientist!

I hope that any and all advice that you might glean from me on this blog is taken with a HUGE grain of salt... and tequila... and a wedge of lemon... or lime. I am not an expert in anything. I am not a nutritionist. I am just a person that has gained and lost a lot of weight in their life and apparently feels that need to talk about it.

Having said that lovely disclaimer, I tried a little experiment that last couple of weeks.

When you are on the weight loss/quest for healthiness path, you tend to gravitate towards reading all sorts of health/fitness/nutrition articles. There is an endless supply of them. You can find an article to justify just about any kind of diet plan, any kind of fitness plan, any kind of supplement, any kind of anything. It's up to your gut (get it?) or more commonly known as common sense to decipher through the mess. And what works for you might not work for someone else. We are all individuals, bottom line. But, I've gotten a little off track.

Raise your hand if you like asparagus. My hand shot right up! It is hands-down one of my favorite vegetables. I could eat it every day. Except for one tiny detail. It makes my pee stink. If this is a topic that bothers you, I would stop reading here. Come back another day. Today is stinky pee day. The effect is almost instantaneous! Asparagus is coming into season around here so I have several bundles of spears in the fridge. My favorite way to have them is baked asparagus fries, but for the sake of time, I usually just roast them in the oven while I'm out doing chores or something. This asparagus pee phenomenon had me perplexed. So, like any red-blooded, curious American, I Googled it. It has something to do with the sulfurous amino acid breakdown and it is activated within 15 minutes of consumption. But, here is the kicker. Only 25% of people have the ability to smell it. All people pee stinky afterwards but not everyone knows they are committing such a foul act. God Bless my sensitive sniffer. My Google search lead to other foods that affect the smell of bodily fluids. Pineapple for instance has a sweetening effect. It makes everything smell great. Three times over the past two weeks I have had asparagus for dinner and then I ate some fresh cut pineapple for dessert. Guess what?!?!?!?!? You are never gonna guess what. I'll just tell you. They cancel each other out!!! Yep, the pineapple neutralizes the asparagus. I have not found an article to support this theory for a couple of reasons. Mainly, I don't have the time to search stuff forever. Secondly, there may not be a pressing need for this type of research. So, consider this the latest test case in nutrition weirdo facts. If you don't want asparagus pee your options are to A) Not eat asparagus, or B) Back up your asparagus consumption with some delightful pineapple. Best of both worlds!!

I apologize for being a little gross. But there are some things I can't keep to myself.

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