Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Compression Pants

Ok, so what gives?? I am seeing compression pants everywhere. For sale, on people, athletes on TV wear them, on the floor in the yoga locker room, everywhere. Of course I notice them on the floor at yoga because that is the only place I can look when I am in a locker room. What do they do?? Is there any chance that they will "compress" the rest of the weight off of me? Because if so, by golly I'll go buy some. They appear to be all the rage and are potentially going to replace yoga pants in the trendy world. So, I'm just curious what makes them so awesome. You know, before I go invest $45+ dollars on them. Will I feel tighter in them? 'Cause I will do anything to feel less jiggly right now. I noticed this morning that my sides jiggle when I'm putting on deodorant. I can't even catch a break when I'm putting on deodorant. Sheesh. Which will mean I have to buy a compression shirt too. Do they even makes those? Or is that what Spanx are? I have those. I hate those. I asked my BFF what compression pants are for, she said "athletes." I asked if I was athlete enough to wear them. After a pregnant pause she replied a very sketchy, "Oh, yeah." That's what I love about my BFF, she maintains the appropriate amount of sarcasm in her tone so that even when she is lying to me, I still get the message.

Sitting on the floor in yoga last night I wished I could just slice off everything that resided outside of my arms. It is just a pile of flub surrounding me, I just want it gone. Needless to say, I wasn't havin my best yoga night last night. It was my second day of no anti-inflammatories. I could feel it. It was the second set of each pose before I could get all the way into them. They say that though, you are gonna have good days and bad days in yoga. No two ways about it. And, bottom line, it probably is all in your head. My Canadian BFF (that's right, I'm an international sensation) made fun of me for mentioning that I was being competitive in yoga. She is not wrong for laughing at me. But I just can't help it. I hate to fail at anything. I equally hate to not be the best at anything. I know that just by going I am not failing. But that is the kind of thinking that led to keeping NO score in T-ball. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. Sports keep score!!! So for me to have to admit that my back is limiting me, or that I can't actually do some of the poses KILLS ME!!! And irritates me. And makes me try harder. So, whatever motivates you, just roll with it.

Today... I banged out doubles for T25. What? But it's not Friday, Funny Fat Chic. Nope, sure isn't. But, I have a full work day on Friday and I am road tripping after work to go spend my (American) BFF's birthday with her. I refuse to get up at 4:30 AM just to get my workouts in. I gotta draw the line somewhere. So, doubles today and a single on Friday. I'm a planner like that. A weird, anal, neurotic planner. I killed my workouts today. Even though I wasn't feelin yoga last night, it must have done me some good because I felt much better today. I pushed, I sweated, and as Shaun T says, I nailed it. Boom.

Speaking of Shaun T, new podcast this week. He interviewed Chili from TLC. "Don't go chasing waterfalls." Holler back 1995!!! She talked about how she has maintained her weight. Consistency. Bottom line. Her eating is a lifestyle choice. It has its guilty pleasures, but consistency is key. Yo-yoing up and down isn't healthy for you according to Chili.... And a whole bunch of experts, actually. So, there is a new goal for me. To remain consistent after I reach my goals. Lifestyle. It is the biggest weight loss buzzword of this decade. But there just might be something to it. Consistent lifestyle. New mantra. She also spoke about comparing yourself to others and how that was a dangerous path to go down. Remember "Comparison is the thief of joy."???? Well, here it is again. She talked about how different her body type was to her sisters and how one of them could gracefully carry extra weight while the other couldn't. She talked about how you had to be true to your body, dress yourself to accentuate the good parts, not highlight the bad. Stuff like that. Stuff that should be a no brainer, I don't know about you guys, but I have to be reminded from time to time. I'm not saying that her celebrity status makes her an expert, but she is a woman, and one that has to look good more often than not because she is in the public eye (or at least was in 1995). So, I'm inclined to give her a listen. And I'm inclined to make myself a new Pandora station featuring, you guessed it, TLC.

Happy Hump Day!! Don't steal your own joy today. Or tomorrow. Drink your water. Bust your butt. Eat clean. That is all. Over and out.

P.S. If you have an opinion on compression pants or actually know what they are I would love to hear it. That is all for reals, not for fakes, this time.

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