Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Mirror Test

We have already discussed my mental block about weighing myself or measuring anything at all on my body. I have been through this enough times that I know I weigh too much and all the floppy/dimply parts on me tell me that I probably measure out pretty big too.

Here is how I gauge myself. I call it The Mirror Test. Now, ladies (and guys if you are out there reading this), fess up, we all have a mirror or two that we check ourselves out in daily, if not multiple times a day. I have three. Two of them are in my bedroom and one of them is in the bathroom where I go to school. I don't look the same in the two mirrors in my room. I much prefer the full length one that hangs on the back of my closet door. It is my "skinny" mirror. The one that is over my dresser is most likely the more honest of the two mirrors. It is old, like really old. Like it came from a time when people weren't so caught up in their self-appearance, thus, they didn't need all the smoke and lights of a "skinny" mirror to boost their self-esteem enough to where they could leave their houses without hanging their heads in shame. Thus, I feel like it is probably the more accurate mirror. The final one is the mirror at school. Odd place for me to pick a mirror, but let me tell you why. Most of the time I am not the only one standing at that mirror. It's a public restroom, so often times there is another occupant washing their hands at this mirror. It's like a quality control. I can glance at that lady, see her with my own eyes, then look at her in the mirror, and know how true the mirror is. Then I can evaluate my own image in comparison. I'm not a weirdo. Let's just get that clear now. And, if you can't admit that you have done the same thing, you are a lying to yourself. Worse than that, you are lying to me. Ha!

Where the heck am I going with this convoluted story???? Well, I have been on break from school for the past 3 weeks. I haven't seen my school mirror. I have been trying to convince myself that I look a little thinner in my "skinny" and "honest" mirrors at home. Today I started back to school. The mirror said, "YES, you do look a little thinner. Good for you." I gave myself a high five without touching anything in the bathroom because it is a public bathroom after all (GROSS), and walked a little lighter on my feet to my next class. Cool. Maybe all this hard work is paying off just a little. Double cool.

In other news... I killed it today on my workout. I worked hard. I tried hard. I still modify some things, but I am getting better. My squats are deeper, my endurance is getting better, I am getting in more push ups, and I am doing burpees, I am doing them in the same fashion as a walrus would get them done, but I AM doing them. Cool.

I am on the last week of phase one of T25. This is good. While I haven't mastered all of these videos yet, I am getting just a touch bored with them and am ready to move to the next phase. I am fickle like that. I require variety. I am already plotting what videos I am going to buy next... Insanity Max 30 if you were wondering what I had on my mind.

My new favorite snack is blueberries, raspberries, and almond milk. I am not a huge sweets person. I say that, but I could demolish a batch of warm oatmeal raisin cookies faster than Cookie Monster. I wouldn't turn my nose up at warm chocolate chip ones either. But I digress. Berries are good for you. They are a little spendy this time of year, but it isn't too bad if you don't eat the package of them in one sitting. They are full of fiber, antioxidants, and I'm sure a multitude of other healthy things. For those of you that are new to the blog, I am lactose intolerant, not allergic, but it is better for everyone if I avoid dairy whenever possible. So, almond milk is a gift from God to me. It allows me to do things like drink milk from the carton. Something I have never done in my whole life. And, as it turns out a half cup of it over some fresh berries makes a pretty tasty snack and a good way for me to get in some calcium. Win-Win.

Happy random thought Tuesday!!!

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