Monday, January 19, 2015

I'm a LIAR

I know that I advertise this blog as being "honest". Well, here is the thing, I totally lied to you last week. Or, whenever it was that I told you I was getting in better shape. That time that I told you my form was getting better, or my squats were getting deeper, or my balance was stronger... ALL LIES!!!

I started the second phase of T25 today. My t-shirt was soaked through by the end of the first 5 minutes. I was out of air by the first 5 and half. My lungs were screaming for mercy by the first 6 minutes. At the end of 10 minutes my legs were shaking. So, yeah, nope, not fit. Not even getting close yet. That other part where I said I was getting bored and ready for a new challenge, yeah, I take that back too. There were parts where Shaun T worked me so hard, my feet went numb. What the heck????? I partially would like to attribute it the fact that I REALLY do need new workout shoes (Amazon should deliver tomorrow), but in all reality it is probably because morbidly obese people should not be trying to move like that, or that fast, or that anything.

And, you know what else? You'll never guess what else? I was shocked. Dismayed. Awed. There is a phase 3 of T25 that I don't own but that they mention when you flip your calendar over. The Gamma phase. That means exactly two things. 1) It gets friggin harder than what I did today. HARDER. Envision me sitting at my computer a puddle of sweat and wet curly hair typing this out for you with a slightly checked-out look on my face. HARDER. 2) Beach Body has yet again out smarted me into buying more of their stuff. I mean seriously. If I am going to do the first two phases I'm gonna have to do the last one. I'm a lot of things, but I am not a quitter. Just ask the plate of super hot buffalo wings I ate on Saturday night, I didn't quit until they were gone. So, I will be ordering the Gamma phase when I get close to finishing this phase (Beta), you know, if I survive.

I tried a new video in the Hip Hop Abs today as well. It was the dance cardio. With my coordination level I totally rocked it (insert thumbs down, fart noise, PFFFFFFFFTTTTT!). In some weird twist of irony the move that I complete with some form of competency is called The Afro. If you know me, and you have been introduced to my hair, then you know how truly funny that is.

So, there you have it. I lied. I'm not sure it is right up there with Nixon, or even President Clinton (I DID NOT inhale), not quite that scandalous. But if it is any consolation to you guys, I lied to myself too. :)

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