Monday, January 5, 2015

Dang it Kyle.

Riddle me this batman...

This a strange phenomenon.

I got angry. I almost instantly got hungry.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

I had to sit on the phone for 45 minutes just to speak with someone at QuickBooks. THEN, I got Kyle. Kyle started out chipper. Then he got a little snippy with his "ma'am's." Then he started to realize how ticked off I might actually be. Then he put me on hold. Again. I'm not sure if they use that tactic to try and let people cool off, but if that is the case, they need to change the music. Maybe a little AC/DC would change my mood. Or throw in some Smokin' Armadillos, I'm sure that their music is as obscure as the instrumental Christmas music that I was listening to today. So help me if when I call back, because my confidence in Kyle is less than top notch, I know I am going to have to call back, if the hold music is Taylor Swift I may get put on the no fly list for QuickBooks help line. Then Kyle came back and talked to me like I was a third grader. I truly enjoyed that. Then he put me on hold. Again. Finally, at the end he switched from "ma'am" to "sweetie", another of my favorites. All in all I think I was on hold for total of an hour and fifteen minutes for a about 7 minutes of actual "facetime" with Kyle. Dang it Kyle.

During that whole process I worked up an appetite. Why? I wasn't physically exerting myself. I don't think that eye rolling actually burns that many calories. If it did, boy howdy, I would be the luckiest, surly girl alive. Why is my stomach joining in this fight? Does it feel like I need fuel up to continue into battle? Is this some kind of survival instinct left over from the caveman days? Or it just an incredibly misplaced emotional response? That last one is the least sexy, but most likely option. As much as I would like to blame evolution for my incessant need to eat each and every one of my feelings, the blame probably lands more squarely within the confines of my emotional baggage. Dang it Kyle.

So, when hunger hits you, make sure you are hungry. Not angry. Or happy. Or sad. Or ambivalent. Or thirsty (did you drink your water today???). I settled for typing this post to vent and snacking on some turkey jerky and lemon water while doing it. I think I am cooling off now. Thank goodness. Dang it Kyle.

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