Friday, January 30, 2015

Basic Math

There is a direct correlation between how hard I work out and how hungry I am. I know you are thinking, "Well, duh!!!" But hear me out.

I have always eaten because, well, I'm supposed to eat. I was made to eat. It's breakfast time, time to eat. What's that? Noon? Time to eat. 5 o'clock somewhere? Absolutely, time to eat. Feeling sad? Time to eat. Holiday? Time to eat. Happy, want to celebrate? Time to eat. It is basically always time to eat. But I have been consciously trying not to eat all the time. I have cut back. For sure. And I have been pretty darn diligent about WHAT I am eating. Lean protein, whole fruits and veggies, healthy fats. Boom. Today was a double T25 day. I'm not gonna lie, the Hip Hop Abs videos are not as hard as the T25 videos. I think they are a good supplement workout, and I am glad that I am doing them, but I am not sure I would see as great of results with them alone. Not that I have completely transformed myself or anything. Don't think that I got all delusional today and decided that I was skinny and fit. But I digress. Today was double T25 day and I was starving today. My stomach was growling for a good 2 hours before lunch today. By the time dinner rolled around, I was FOR SURE hungry again. Not just a I have the munchies feeling, but legitimately hungry. I am starting to think that I am recognizing the difference between I want to eat and I am hungry. This is kinda a big deal. I mean, if I actually got that in check, there might be hope for me. Just a little tidbit of hope. That is the equation right?

Exercise + Good Nutrition = Healthy Body
if Calories In are < Calories out = Healthy Body
Move Your Butt + Eat Right = Healthy Body
Basic math, right? No division. No unknown variables. Just good ole addition and subtraction. Hopefully subtraction from my spare tire is the ultimate answer. I don't know if all this adds up to a total Ah-Ha moment, but it is a good realization none-the-less. Kuddos to me for recognizing actual hunger, good for me for drinking my water, good for me for battling through doubles day (second work out was hard, I was tired), and good for me for not reaching for junk when I was hungry. That is a lot of good for me's!!!!
Happy weekend all! Keep it real, keep it fun, move your hiney, cheer for the Seahawks, and most of all ENJOY yourselves... Not only do you deserve it, but you are pretty cool to boot, so, GOOD FOR YOU!!!

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