Thursday, January 29, 2015

Just a little list...

We haven't had a good list in awhile. I'm feeling listy today, so here goes:

1) Unless you are skiing in Sunvalley, or Aspen, or Bogus, or Willamette Pass or wherever you ski at, any form of pants that are tight (I'm talking about leggings here) you better have a shirt that covers your butt. Ski bunnies=OK to wear tight lycra pants. Everywhere else on the planet does not. I don't care if you are model gorgeous and only have 3% body fat. Cover your butt. Here is why, they are too revealing! Have a little modesty. And if your aren't model gorgeous with 3% body fat, guess what, they are still too revealing! I love leggings. I wear them all the time. I wear them with this great invention they call a tunic. Leggings=need for coverage. End of story. 

2) My butt is so sore today I can't really talk about it. It hurts to sit. It hurts all the way down to the bone (is there bones in your butt???). I'm just saying, not only is it tender on the outside, the pain runs deep. I guess I can talk about it after all. This has lead me to believe two things. A) This is apparently an area I need to work a little harder on. All the squats are not enough. B) I think Shaun T used those exercises so that I would have to stay on my feet the next few days. That sneaky so-in-so. 

3) I had an excellent sandwich artist today at Subway. When I asked for extra jalapeƱos, he didn't just put 4 instead of three, he piled them on. When he put my honey mustard on, he went from one side of the sandwich to the other, not just a non-committal blob in the center that forces me into being "that" customer who has to ask for more after they have already put the sauce away and holds up the noon lunch line traffic. My artist today knew his stuff. 

4) I was stressed and I didn't eat because of it. Say what??? That's right, I had a big test at school this morning, it is important to me to maintain my GPA, this professor put the fear of God in us prior to the test. Last night I was a mess. I worked. I didn't blindly eat while I was studying. I just studied. Whoa. Revelation. 

5) I am craving soup. I feel like this might be the spice-of-life-variety I am missing right now. My diet has hit a bit of rut due to convenience and what I have been eating is pretty cheap. I want mushroom soup. Or acorn squash soup. Or... Chicken tortilla soup! Ole! 

6) I heard someone quote Theodore Roosevelt the other day. He said, "Comparison is the thief of joy." I compare myself to others all day long. To other women, to Tanya on the workout videos, to old pictures of myself. And you know what, it does steal my joy. It keeps me from appreciating what I have gotten done so far. It has potential to stifle further progress if I don't get it in check. I am making a mental note to stop this. Ok, we all know I won't stop it. But I am going to make an effort to not let it be at the forefront for my daily thoughts. I blame some of it on my competitive nature, but in all reality it probably should be blamed on my incessant need to put myself down.

7) There is something wrong with the rear view mirror in my car. It is giving me excessive nose hair. I do not approve. I might need a new car. Or maybe a nose wax kit. I don't even know where to obtain one. Maybe Amazon. For the nose wax, not the new car.

8) I listened to another one of Shaun T's podcasts today. This one was on motivation and how to keep yourself accountable for your own motivation. Because, in the end, it really is up to you to stay motivated, do the work, be dedicated to your health and body. Go figure. Because if I could have someone else bust their butt and eat all these vegetables I sure would!

9) I'm gonna go hide my spare tire in a hoodie and watch Scandel while I study tonight. This # doesn't really have anything to do with anything, just thought you might like to know what I'm up to.

Peace out. 

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