Thursday, January 15, 2015

I have a pain in my side.

Sitting in class this morning I had an odd sensation. Unfortunately, it wasn't my synapses firing off because they just had some grand intellectual revelation. Nope, I realized that my sides were sore. Like sitting up straight fired off some nerves, or muscles, or something in my sides that said, "HEY, we're here, and we're not all that happy about it." Apparently my sides (and if I really think about it, my shoulders, and center of my gut) were happier when I was blissfully unaware that they needed any kind of attention. I haven't really changed my workout routine other than my shameful day off on Monday. But I have been trying harder and I have been able to do more of the routine with less modifying. So, maybe it is the walrus burpees. Who knows??? But I do know that being sore is good because it means that something is working. YEAH!

Let's talk a little about my diet for a minute, because, in all honesty, it is a little interesting (aka weird as hell) right now.

For starters, I am being relatively faithful to my hemp shakes in the morning for breakfast. Nothing too weird there. I have blogged about these before. The short and the long of it is that hemp was the only protein shake that I could find that was dairy(whey)-free and soy-free. I have it with almond milk, a banana, and some cinnamon. Done and done.

Next, we have lunch. This varies. I allot myself Subway twice a week. Here is why: it is the healthiest "fast food" close to my school. My school has no kitchen, aka no way to warm something up. It is cold out. I like to have a warm belly. There is all my reasons for twice a week Subway lunch. Ok, one more, I LOVE buffalo chicken. It speaks to my soul. Other days my lunch varies from lunch meat wrapped around a dill pickle, to a salad, to a few pieces of jerky and lemon water. I think it is safe to say that I need to work on the nutritional value of my non-Subway days.

Dinner. Ahhhhh, dinner. Most people (men) don't realize that if it weren't for them and kids women would never cook dinner. I have neither of those entities, so it is hard for me to want to cook dinner. I even was skipping it a little bit early on in this endeavor. That is bad. If you are hungry, you should eat. Just eat reasonably. What a deal. That reasonably thing will bite you in the hiney every time. I have been shooting for vegetables and lean protein. Sounds about right, RIGHT? I have a bag of those awesome frozen Costco chicken breasts that I have been working off of. I just bake them in the oven. I usually put some spicy spices on them because I like things spicy. I also roast some vegetable at the same time. Why do vegetable roast and chickens bake? 9 times out of 10 my vegetable of choice is cabbage. I have been eating A LOT of cabbage lately. Couple of reasons. A) It is cheap. Like really cheap. I am trying to live like a super broke college student so that I don't end up a super broke college student. A head of cabbage is right up my alley. B) Two words... Cabbage Steaks. A girlfriend turned me onto to this lovely concept and I have been having cabbage steaks ever since. You just cut them into 1 inch slices, line a baking pan with tin foil (which I have already done for the chicken) drizzle some olive oil, salt, and pepper on top and bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Wall-ahhh! Cabbage Steaks! There is something about roasting the cabbage that gives it some great flavor. It has next to no calories in it and it is VERY filling. I mix it up with some onions or minced garlic sometimes (also dirt cheap). The dishes are almost none after cooking that meal, the prep time is basically none, it is a win-win for me all around.

There you have my diet in a nutshell. Hemp shake. Subway. Chicken and cabbage. I told you it was a little interesting (aka weird as hell).  And let's not forget the gallon+ of water a day. Thank goodness I have an iron gut and a propensity for getting myself into a rut.

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