Monday, January 26, 2015


Everyone have a good weekend???

I know I sure did! I spent time with awesome friends and family, I ate yummy food more than once, I got homework done, and I even walked 5 miles on Sunday to get some fresh air.

I thought you guys might like some answers to some Frequently Asked Questions from yours truly, Funny Fat Chic...

1) How long do you work out for?

Right now my schedule is semi-light by my standards. It is the dead of winter so my photography business is a little slow. With the free time that I have I am spending it focusing on getting healthy again and I am spending it here, talking to you guys. This is a round about way of telling you that I am spending more time working out than I probably will later in the year. I am lucky, my gym is in my home. I am one of those people that does better working out at home. I prefer the solitude and I feel like I do a good job of pushing myself. Or, more appropriately, I feel like Shaun T is doing a good job of pushing me. I am currently working my way through T25, which as the name states, is 25 minutes long. On Fridays, you do two sessions, so 50 minutes. I am adding Hip Hop Abs to T25. Those workouts range from 25 minutes to 40 minutes depending on the day. So, for the sake of clarity, let's say that I am working out approximately 1 hour, 5 days a week. The weekends I have off, but I try to do something (hiking, walking, etc.) one of those days.

2) How much water do you really drink a day?

There is something wrong with my new water bottle. As in, I am drinking at least 5 liters a day. For those of you that aren't Canadian, that is 1.32 gallons a day. This thing is making me thirsty. It's like the more water I drink, the more water I am thirsty for. I can't get enough! I am not bragging here. I am mostly baffled by this phenomenon. I have never really been a big soda drinker, at least not since high school. I had one small Diet Pepsi phase for about a year. But that is it. Ice tea, now I LOVE ice tea. But right now, all I wanna do is drink water. I am not forcing myself, I am just thirsty for it all the time. I attribute this partially to all the sweating I am doing and partially to the fact that more healthy stuff you do the more healthy stuff you want to do. The same is true for unhealthy stuff by the way. As in the more sugar you eat the more sugar you want to eat.

3) Where do you weight in on "diet supplements"?

Ha! Good one... "weigh in"... No pun intended. So, you are not gonna like what I have to say here. If there was a magic pill for sustainable weight loss, everyone on the planet would be skinny. The key word there is sustainable. I am certain that there are plenty of supplements (pills) that will facilitate a quick weight loss (probably mostly water weight) and will gain your confidence to the point that you think you don't have to make any changes in order to lose weight. How long does that usually last? Right up until you stop taking the pills. Then, the weight usually comes back and then some. Long story short, I feel like the supplements are a bit of a cop-out and should never be thought of as a replacement for healthy habits, aka a nutritious diet from whole foods and exercise. Being hyped up on stimulants is not the same as increasing your energy level from fueling yourself properly. I know that sounds a little preachy, but it is reality. There is no quick fix for boosting your metabolism and changing how you live. Albeit I get tempted by their claims and the thought of not having to work quite so hard, but in my heart, I know they aren't the right thing for me.

4) What is your favorite thing about working out?

This is an easy one. My favorite part of working out is when I am doing any kind of jumping move, jumping jacks for example, and I get to listen to my fat slapping against itself. This is AWESOME. You know why? Because I feel like I get to actually listen to the fat being beat off by body. I know that sounds gross/weird/down right bizarre, but right now it sounds like victory to me. A close second on my favorites is any of the sitting ab work. I get to have my belly right there in my face. And I am physically trying to squish it off my body. See you later belly, hopefully on someone else!

5) What is your least favorite thing about working out?

I change my clothes no less than 3-4 times a day. 4 freaking times a day. If I was currently riding my horses, it would be 6 times a day. If you are keeping score, that is more times a day than a toddler that wets its pants. There is once out of jammies into either workout clothes or regular clothes. Either a shower before the regular clothes or a shower after working out and then into regular clothes. If it is a school day, I get home, go from regular to workout clothes. then shower (2nd one of the day) and into jammies again. Unless I need to go somewhere then it is back into regular clothes. That is A LOT of clothes changing. This is often the time that I have the argument with myself as to whether I really need to workout our not. It is a vulnerable moment. That is why I hate it. Least. Favorite. Thing.

6) What does y our shopping cart look like when you go grocery shopping?

Funny you should ask, I went grocery shopping today. This is EXACTLY what it looked like...
A whole bunch of fresh fruits and vegetable. Whole foods, not the store, the actual foods. The only prepackaged thing in that mix was minced garlic. Why? Because I hate to chop garlic. I absorb smells really easily and I smell like garlic for 17 days afterwards. But, I LOVE to eat garlic. Compromise. There was no meat in there because I have deer meat in the freezer along with a big bag of Costco chicken breasts. My oils at home are coconut (unrefined) and olive oil. I lean heavily on cabbage, kale, and broccoli for vegetables and I have a personal affinity for mushrooms. For dinner tonight I had a cabbage steak, roasted broccoli and mushrooms, and some fresh sliced pineapple for dessert. Just for example. The less bags or boxes I open, the better I figure I am eating. My weaknesses are dried fruit, flavored nuts, and beef jerky. No, I am not pregnant.

There you have a few answers for those deep down burning questions you have been wondering. Have any more??? Feel free to comment on here or you can message me on Facebook. I will happily answer anything you want to know. You know, if I have an answer. If not, I'll shrug my shoulders. You won't see it, but it will happen. Thanks for tuning in.... See (talk to? write?) you tomorrow!

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