Monday, January 12, 2015

Oh, Isn't She Cute...

Rewind to Saturday night. Did you guys do anything fun on Saturday night??

I did. In a concerted effort to get me out my funk, three of my best girlfriends took me out for the evening. It forced me to get up, get showered, get dressed, you know, basically make some kind of effort.

We went to a relatively new shopping center in our area called The Village. We went in a few shops and had an A-MAZINGINGLY tasty dinner at the Kona Grill. On a side note, I felt pretty good about my order selection and the amount of food I consumed, so, back pat there.

My pants felt looser that night. My pea coat wasn't screaming for mercy at the buttons. All in all, I felt pretty good about myself. And then we went in The Buckle. I have avoided this place like the plague. And for good reason. I know for a solid fact that I am going to love the clothes that are inside it. And, with just as much certainty, I know that I am not going to fit into any of said clothes. But that didn't deter the 19-going on-30-something girl working in there from trying to sell me some of them. I was holding up a shirt for one of my girlfriends that I thought would look DARLING on her. This girl runs up and enthusiastically tells me that she has a mustard color one in my size. Before I can protest that the only thing she has in my size in this store is the jewelry, she runs off to attain this elusive item. She brings it back, and of course, it is cute as hell. I love it. It is NOT going to fit me. This gal is not deterred. She tells me how it is a private designer, it's the last one, and how I have to have it. I try to allot the appropriate amount of time holding the shirt that is respectful before I let her down gently. She's cute, she's trying, no reason to burst her bubble with my abnormally large rib cage and chubby arms. I could have HULKed my way out of that shirt in no less than .07 seconds. So, that is a new goal on my ever growing list of goals. I would like to shop at The Buckle, for reals, not for fakes.

Now, I'm sure that you were having a small moment of pride for me having a night out, still eating sensibly, and not having a melt down for not fitting into a stinkin' cute shirt. Prepare yourselves to be disappointed in me.

I didn't work out today. Gasp. Sigh. Tsk. Head shake. I just wasn't feeling it. I had an internal argument with myself ALL DAY LONG. The bad version of me won. I'll make it up. I'll work out on my day off this week. I can give you a long list of excuses as to why I didn't. Some may even sound legit. But the bottom line is that I had time to do it and I chose to do something else instead. I read a book. I got work done. I did house work. I cared for my injured dog. Blah, blah, blah. I'm not upset about it. Not sure why. I should be. I don't think this is the beginning of the end of me working out. I think I had an off day. And that's ok. Hey, I still drank my water... Hahahaha!

Here is to a productive rest of the week. Sorry I let you down, Shaun T.

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