Sunday, January 4, 2015


I'm ready... I'm ready... I'm ready.. I'm ready... I'm ready... I'm ready... I'm ready... I'M READY!!!

Good God Almighty, ready for what???

I'm ready to be fit and skinny. NOW. It's been 3 whole weeks. What gives??? Why am I not being rewarded with my 60 pairs of skinny jeans??? Ahhhhhhhh!

Ok, spoiled only child rant over. It took me a little over a year to put all this weight on. No miracle of science or Shaun T can take it off of me in 3 weeks. As much as I would like for that to be true.

I shouldn't even be ranting. Ok, let's call it what it is, whining. I had a good day today, exercise wise. In T25 you get the weekends off, but not in Hip Hop Abs. So, I did Hip Hop Abs and then I loaded up my border collie and went and did my hike. I shaved 15 whole minutes off of my time from last week. As much as I would like to think that I am that much fitter this week, in all reality I was probably just mentally a little tougher. But, I call it progress none-the-less. I get a healthy amount of fresh air. My dog gets a good stretch of his legs (if I had his energy and he had a feather...). So, all-in-all I call that a good day for being my day off. The hiking thing I don't really count as exercise. It is something that I love to do. The exercise is making it so I can do the hiking. This hike that I do is a straight up, straight down kinda deal. I think that it will make a good gauge of my fitness. A gut check, so to speak. If you are reading this, and you know me, and you live in close proximity to me, I am planning to do this hike on any given Sunday (not a movie reference) that I am in town. This is an open invitation. Just sayin'.

In other news... Short of hanging a few things on my walls, I got my bedroom finished this weekend thanks to the help of some VERY good friends!! I literally wouldn't have gotten it done without them. I love it. No, I LOVE it. Like, love it, love it. I really love it. It's awesome to see it in person instead of just in my head. Every surface in there has a fresh coat of paint, there is new floor and for the first time in over 10 whole years, I have new bedding. I slept like a baby last night. Every time I come back in the house from being outside or if I ran to town, or whatever, I walk down the hall and say hello to my room. I love it. I don't want it to feel neglected or left out, you know, 'cause I love it. Here is the problem. I did my bedroom for a few reasons. 1) It needed it. Bad. Really bad. 2) I had the time to kill. 3) I felt like I needed some instant gratification in my life. #3 is the problem. When you get instant gratification, it feels good, really, really good. It feels really good for about .002 seconds. Then, inevitably, you want more instant gratification. Hence my rant (whine) about not getting into my skinny jeans after 3 weeks of effort. I LOVE my room... But now what??? Anyone else suffer from this kind of unrest? I'm gonna work on it. It may fall squarely under the I Have No Patience category. Or, maybe I am truly spoiled. I'll let you know if I sort it out.

Finally, for you, in this modge podge of a post, I found an article about drinking water. Not to beat a dead horse, but are you drinking your water? This gal from the UK took pictures of her face over the course of 30 days of drinking 3 liters of water daily. Now, I fully realize with the advent of photoshop, these could be doctored photos, hell, I doctor wrinkles and bags under eyes everyday for people. But, I would firmly like to believe that these are real. I know that I experience the same GOOD side-effects from drinking enough water daily. This gal was just brave enough to take pictures of it. Here is the link...

Happy Sunday all! I hope your Monday gets off on the right foot... Or the left foot, depending on which side of the bed you roll out of.

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