Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sunshine and Cabbage

Someone must have heard my complaining from yesterday because there was most certainly sunshine in my life today. The sun graced us with his presence from about 1pm on today. I'll take it. In spades.

Workout report for today... I kicked some ass. (earmuffs) Literally. I rocked my T25 and then it was hips, buns, and thighs day on Hip Hop Abs. I have an ample supply of all three to offer up to the workout gods, so that is what I did. 4 million squats, 3,700 lunges, and some extremely painful floor exercises later, guess what??? I still have ample hips, buns, and thighs. But the good news is that they are all going to hurt tomorrow. Really good news, I'll be lucky if I can walk on Friday, but no worries, Friday is doubles day, so it should be a breeze. During the floor exercises I could not remember the last time that my hind end hurt that much. Burning. Shaking. Twitching. Maybe when I was a kiddo getting swatted with a wooden spoon for being naughty? But seriously, they kicked my ass (earmuffs) and then I kicked theirs! I felt like I put forth a good effort today. I worked out when I got up first thing instead of later in the day. They (whoever "they" is) call this a fasting workout, you know, because you have been fasting all night. It is an easy fast because I'm sleeping. I don't even have to think about it. It is a long enough fast that I was a little weak at the very end of my workout, but not quite long enough to produce a Buddha quality religious experience. So, I'll give it a 6 on the fasting scale. And I will stop calling it a "fast" since it is just me sleeping. Not an active choice to not eat. ;)

Speaking of eating. Is it possible to eat too much cabbage? Anyone out there know. I have Googled and there doesn't seem to be any Internet documentation on subject. I eat a lot of cabbage. A LOT. I just had a cabbage steak for dinner. I like 'em. I like 'em a lot. My lunch today was also comprised of a good amount of cabbage. I did not have cabbage for breakfast. I have to draw the line somewhere. Three-a-day cabbage seemed like as good a place as any to draw that line in the sand. Do you think it is possible that my twice a week Subway habit is keeping me fat? Just a fleeting thought that I had today. I would like to think that bread 2 times a week wouldn't be keeping me from entirely losing weight, but maybe it does. According to Jared, no. Not the ring Jared, the sandwich Jared. I make good choices as to what goes on said bread (I rhymed a little right there), but there is still the said bread (again) in question. I literally ONLY eat bread those two instances a week. I don't sneak a roll or pastry or muffin or anything else with flour/gluten in it any other day of the week. Not even a tortilla right now, and I love a good tortilla. So, what gives, do I need to give up my twice a week Subway habit and get more creative about my lunch on school days?

Today was definitely a better day. There was sunshine. No roses yet, but definite sunshine! The only downside was that I had to #2 in a porta-potty at work today. There is a major remodel happening and there are literally no bathrooms there right now. I want you all to know that this is my personal version of hell, #2 in a porta-potty. Let me know if I ever share too much.

1 comment:

  1. The only thing worse would be mid #2 seeing a spider in said porta potty. Like a turd box straight from the devil's workshop I tell you! Peace be with you my friend. That had to be a horrible experience. That right there mighty get me to avoid cabbage around school days!
