Friday, January 23, 2015

And so it begins...

I was skeptical before, but I am positive now. I am definitely beginning to lose some weight. Wait a minute, did Funny Fat Chic step on a scale and not tell us??? Nope sure didn't. This is not me bragging. This is not me jumping for joy. This is me looking for some heart felt sympathy. I'll tell you why.

I have been down this weight loss journey enough times to know that my body has a VERY specific order of operations for losing weight. First thing to go is my boobs. Now, I am not all that well endowed in the chest department to begin with. I'm more built for speed than aesthetics in that area. But when I start to lose weight I crash down from what I would like to believe is the low end of a B-cup straight into an A. No more, no less. Well isn't that fantastic. It is if some higher power want to make sure that my center of gravity stays REALLY, REALLY low. No tipping over face first for me. If I go down, you can bet your bottom dollar that my bottom will hit first. I noticed yesterday that my chest is gone. I'm pretty sure it was there the day before. Definitely gone yesterday. Still gone today. Nothing there to distract from my large bottom or protruding spare tire.

Next in line of weight loss order of operation is my fingers. My rings start to get loose. The spin of the genetic wheel has left me with somewhat square hands to begin with. My fingers are not long and graceful. I won't be looking at becoming a hand model for my next career. Playing the piano at Carnegie Hall probably isn't on the bucket list. But, all-in-all I like my hands, they are strong, I have all my finger, I paint my nails. So losing weight in them doesn't rank high on my priority list.

Next one on the list is my face. This is great! I don't want to brag, but I am probably only one week of T25 away from fitting into my high school earrings. That's right, Mmmm-Hmmm. So now, I have no boobs, fingers that only I know are smaller, and a tiny head on large body. I'm so glad I passed on that bread laden triple cheeseburger the other day. This is SOOOOO worth it.

Ok, reality check. This is about being healthy, not getting skinny, right? Let's face it, a little bit of it is about getting skinny. I want to rock my cute jeans. I want to wear adorable shirts without wearing three layers of Spanx (that's a lie, I buy knock-off Spanx) underneath them. I want to see my beautifully painted toes in some really cute wedges this summer. The list goes on and on. What I need to do is not begrudge the mind-boggling order of operations that my body prefers to lose weight in and realize that once it gets through ditching the weight on my extremities, the important stuff is next. The back fat will wilt away. The arm waddle will decrease to a jiggle, then a passing nod, and then hopefully in the end some toned arms will remain. My speed skater thighs will unfortunately always be of size, but eventually they will be of muscle and not of dimples. My calves will slim slightly, but they too will be a testament to my low center of gravity (nice way to say I am short and squatty). And finally, my midsection will flatten out. Will I have six pack abs, according to Hip Hop Abs I will, but I am not holding my breath. I will however, if I keep after it, have flatter, leaner stomach, and I am good with that. I will always be broad through the ribs, I will always have power house legs instead of ballerina ones, but it would be nice to know that I have ribs, and I am good with being strong. So, bring on the skinny ear lobes, I am ready to keep fighting towards the next phases of weight loss.

Speaking of fighting. I battled my way through week one of the Beta round of T25. I am slightly sore, but I am happy that I stayed on track this week. Because the workouts have been new, I wasn't bored at all. I modified as little as possible and feel pretty good about my performance. Whatever you are doing to move your body, keep doing it. Fight through the boredom, push yourself a little harder, keep after it. I have an internal conversation daily that is comprised of me trying to convince myself that I don't need to workout today. Tamp that voice down and just go get it done. Keep doing it until it becomes routine. This is the time in January when everyone wants to quit. January is a terrible month. It is not made for activity. It is winter. It is depressing. Fight that urge to succumb to January. I've had to. And I am VERY glad that I have. I am going to enjoy summer so much more for having given January the finger.

P.S. Drink your water. Happy weekend!

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