Friday, March 15, 2013


This is a short one today... Yesterday I had an EXTREMELY trying day on the personal front. I won't bore you with the details, but it was the kind of day that normally I would have gone home and downed two boxes of mac 'n cheese, drank 4 diet pops, ransacked the house for as much peanut butter as I could find and topped it all off with a healthy dose of popcorn slathered in butter and taco seasoning. Maybe washed that down with a couple beers or a glass or two of wine. But last night, I didn't think of eating my feelings one time. It was even the night that my shows are on and it was finally a new episode of Grey's. And, we all know that I have popcorn on the night I watch my shows. I had started the day by working out before work so I would have plenty of time to get all my stuff done in the evening in time to see all of Grey's. The day just went to shit (sorry, no other word for it) after that. So, by the time I sat down with my perfectly popped popcorn, I didn't even finish the bowl. I don't think I totally realized it until I saw it sitting on the counter this morning. So, while this post may sound a little dreary, I am more than encouraged. I may have actually broken a bad habit, eating my way through emotional distress. If that is true, and remains to be true, holy cow, what a revelation that is!!!

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