Friday, March 8, 2013

A bit 'o randomness...

1) I miss lifting weights. Insanity only uses your body weight for resistance. I didn't realize how much I liked lifting something. Don't get me wrong, I am getting a good workout in, sweat, blood, tears and all. I just miss lifting.

2) I am super excited to go see some of my best friends this weekend. When we lived in the same town we would always have Sunday (sometimes Saturday) dinner. We used it as an excuse to get caught up in case we didn't see much of each other that week and of course to eat super tasty food. So, now its more like once a month that we accomplish this task. I'm gonna get to drink a little whiskey and enjoy some relaxing time on their amazing property, and eat a great meal. It's good stuff.

3) I have not eaten any popcorn this week. Someday I should see a psychiatrists about the popcorn thing. What does that mean? Am I mentally good this week? Did I just burn myself out on popcorn last week? Am I hording the last of my supply because I forgot to buy more at the grocery store? Inquiring minds want to know.

4) The sun has shone for 3 days now. God bless it. It is a total game changer for me. I feel like I could conquer the world when the sun shines. I want to go ride instead of feeling obligated to, I want to go hike, and hike, and hike, I want to start doing yard work... Sorta.

5) I am getting close to fitting into "real pants" 11's. I don't know why this is such a big deal to me. I can get them on just fine, I just feel they aren't fit for public yet, but close. I should really be focused on getting down to jeans that aren't double digits. But for some reason these 11's have me in a dither.

6) I took a leap of faith yesterday and bought a lens with my tax return that I need to start taking pictures at horse shows and start trying to make a little money at the photography thing. It was a rather large purchase for my meager budget. It made me nervous to spend that much and nervous because I am going to start charging for something that I have just been doing for fun. Nervous. So, to get over my nerves I bought myself a few new pretty shirts last night. I've decided that its not crazy that I spent more money to get over spending money, at least I didn't eat my feelings... Better, right?

7) I have been good this week. Towing the line, beating back the girl that wants to eat a bag of Reese's Eggs with a large stick, counting my calories, eating good stuff, doing my workouts (I even did one at 5 this am 'cause I'll be driving tonight), drinking my water, etc. I feel like I can give myself a pat on the back. I don't imagine I will fall too far off the wagon this weekend, maybe just spend a little time jogging beside it. So, here is a collective pat on the back for myself. I earned it this week regardless of what the scale tells me on Monday. GO ME!!!

8) I have three wiener dogs... How's that for random??

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