Monday, March 4, 2013

Insanity Week 2: The do-over

So, I made a command decision last week. It was after I had almost every person that sees me on a daily basis tell me I looked awful, and after I finally admitted that I felt awful, and after I realized I was trying to do too many things and not doing any of them well. I took the week off from working out. Smart people will tell you that you shouldn't work out when you are sick. I'm sure there is a good reasons. Three things happened...
1) I went to bed no later than 9 each night until I went on my trip this weekend. I got sleep, like actual, real live sleep. I no longer feel like a zombie.
2) I felt horribly guilty. I have a sense of responsibility to not just myself, but to all the people that have been cheering me on along the way, and to you guys, my readers. I felt like I was letting all of us down. But, I still feel it was the right thing to do. I knew that a weight gain was probably in the cards for this week (it takes nothing for me to gain) and when I have an actual number to back up my astounding ability to beat myself up, its not good. But I was making no headway working out while I was so ill and I was going to start hating it if I kept going the way I was. I don't want to hate it.
3) I got better. I am still ever so slightly snotty, but I am not sick anymore. I enjoyed my weekend, I feel like I am rested and ready for the upcoming week. I am caught up on stuff, I am a little less stressed, I feel good.

Moral of the story... Maybe once in awhile it's ok to stop and take a break and not worry every second about how much we are eating, how much we are working out, how to balance calories in and calories out. Sometimes, we might need a physical and mental break to keep from losing our grip on the end result. So, my week 2 is a do-over. I'm sorry to everyone for not following through last week, but I do think it was the right thing to do.

Insanity Week 2 Stats:
Weight: 185.8 lbs. (up 1.8 lbs)
Measurements: Not until the end
Motivation: Back on track and ready to kick this thing in the tail
Strength: Leaps and bounds over last Monday, but cringing at the thought of how sore I am gonna be this week. Here goes nothin...!!!

P.S. I ate at The Griddle and it was fabulous. That is all.

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