Monday, April 29, 2013


Just a quick check-in this week. After my week off and a slow start last week, I got the ball rolling, logged in all my workouts, and again wondered why I bothered to take a break because I felt so good after I got back on the wagon. But maybe I felt good because I took a break, who knows? Either way, it was a good week for me both exercise and nutrition wise, minus the wine I had with my Uncle who was visiting on Saturday night.

Insanity Week 8 Results:

Weight: 174.8 (down 0.2lbs, basically I maintained over the past two weeks, go figure)
Measurements: Only one week to go until I measure, pins and needles, pins and needles...
Motivation: Pretty good, the end is in sight and I am ready to get going on the new program. My goal date is 62 days away and I have some work left to do!!
Strength Factor: I feel really good right now, I'm still not at the all "boy" push-up level, but I feel much stronger than I did when I started this endeavour and I know my fit test results reflect that. I'm ready to tackle this final week and see how I ended up.

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