Monday, April 8, 2013

Insanity: Week 6

Well, nothing like taking it up a notch to show yourself how NOT fit and NOT strong you are. Shaun T definitely ramps things up for the second month. The workouts are an hour long and some of the moves are much harder, some moves are the same, just more intense. I did not complete these workouts to perfection by any means this week. Which is good. I should have to work to be able to do them at the level the people on the video are doing them. By the last quarter of each video my muscles are definitely fatigued and I had to push pretty hard to finish. I did get sore this week, which is also good because if it hurts it works. I have a lot to strive for over the next three weeks. I would like my form to improve on a few of the moves, I would like to get more power jumps in when they are called for and by the end I would like all of my push-ups to be "boy" ones. Right now I am about 50/50, when I get fatigued I switch so I can keep going. What I can say for Shaun T is that I am willing to do whatever he tells me. He is a VERY good motivator and has put together a challenging program. Here's hoping I can achieve my goals over the next few weeks.

Insanity: Week 6 Results

Weight: 179.4 (up one lb, awesome)
Measurements: Not until the end... Sigh.
Motivation: Good to moderate (always a little shaky on a gain week), ready to push through these final weeks. Changing the program showed me my weaknesses so now I have some things to work on. Not feeling as badass, feeling like I need to work a little harder to be a badass.
Strength Factor: Body sore, have pinpointed my shoulders and quads as weak spots and I know that my remaining belly is compromising some of my form. Cardio strength is good, month one prepped me well for that part, now to get STRONGER!

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