Monday, April 15, 2013

Insanity: Week 7

It's hard to believe I only have 2 weeks of Insanity left. I have a feeling I'm not going to hit all my goals, but it won't be for lack of trying. I did have a surprising event happen. They added back in the abs workout this week and I made it all the way through without cheating (some call it modifying, I call it cheating). I was quite surprised, and pleased.

I also made a mistake yesterday. I had an innocent thought. I thought, "Hey, I only have 2 weeks left of Insanity, maybe I should crack the box on the next workout and see what's in store for me." Who thought things could get harder than the second month of Insanity. TapoutXT2 I already knew would be challenging because I started with TapoutXT and it was tough. But the upcoming XT2 is gonna be a butt kicker. It has just a mere 2 days off in the first month and no days off in the second. The shortest workout is an hour and some range into 90+ minutes. If that doesn't tone up the rest of my flab then I think my quest may be hopeless. I think I opened the box so that these next two weeks of Insanity would seem super easy. And mind you, Insanity isn't exactly a walk in the park. 60 days of XT2 will take me to the first of July... Here's hoping I'll be ripped for summer!!

175lbs (Down 4.4 lbs. For the first time in years my driver's license isn't a lie)
Measurements: Not until the end, which is getting close. I did try on some jeans and I can fit some 10's in a couple of brands, yeah me, one step closer to single digits.
Motivation: Pretty darn good now that I have seen what I have to look forward to. I better rock these last two weeks so I am properly prepped for the next go round. To quote Shaun T...DIG DEEPER Y'ALL!!
Strength Factor: Good, I'm not so sore this week, I am getting better in my form, doing more "boy" push-ups, and I am getting some definite definition in my arms. All good stuff.

On a nutrition side note, I had a hard weekend. I didn't eat anything quote/unquote bad for me, but I was super snacky. My weekend plans got tanked and I was a little pouted up about that. The weather was crappy here Saturday and kept me inside too much. I have a couple things I'm stressed about. So, there you have my list of excuses. None worth stuffing my face, so, back to routine and structure tomorrow on Monday. I usually can tell if I've I lost or not before I step on the scale. It's weird, I thought for sure I had gained, I think I had some wires crossed this past week. Time to get unravelled.

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