Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sometimes you need a break, and I don't mean a Kit Kat bar.

I abandoned my calorie counter this week. I needed a break. I was getting a little obsessive about eating EXACTLY 1,300 to 1,500 calories per day, and how many calories were in this walnut half, and how many handfuls of popcorn I could have to round off my day, and what if I add strawberries to this, and measuring everything with tablespoons, 1/4 cups, etc. It was getting to where all I thought about was how many calories I was consuming and did I get them entered in my phone. It was getting too much. I am planning on just taking this week off and then getting back to it, but I needed a mental break from it. I think the calorie counter is a good tool to be accountable and its a good plan to know what and how much you are actually consuming, but if it gets to where it's the center of your universe, it's time for a break. So, here is my calorie counter... Console it, it's having abandonment issues.

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