Thursday, April 4, 2013


So, as you can imagine, my diet leans a little more towards salads than it used to. I have made a few discoveries along the way. My most recent one is arugula. I don't even know why they make other lettuces. It's springy without being twiggy, it's flavorful without tastings grassy, it's full of texture and is already in little bite size pieces without having to be chopped up. Don't get me wrong, I still have deep feelings for spinach and I won't turn my nose up at the occasional kale infusion, but arugula is my new love, it's fresh and fun, and new to me. My second runner up is broccoli slaw. I plug that stuff to people like I'm campaigning it for town mayor. It's good stuff, filling, full of iron and fiber and has a million uses. So, I encourage you to shake up your salad life with a new something, whether it be a funky lettuce, a new dressing, the addition of nuts, or dates (another new one for me), or a little broccoli slaw, mix it up, keep it fresh, don't settle for a boring salad!! Arugula for President!!!

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