Monday, April 1, 2013


Recovery week over... It was a good workout, I sweated a little but wasn't whipped afterwards like the regular workouts. It was strange doing the same workout everyday. The Hip Flexor Burners were aptly named as in my hip flexors burned. I added the abs workout on to three days because someday I would like to have abs (insert disbelieving chuckle here). I am a little scared for what is about to come tonight with starting Month 2. I may pass out... or throw up... or want to quit... or just plain die. Who knows?? Stay tuned. If I die you may not have anything to read. If I live everything may be misspelled and blurred because I won't be able to lift my fingers. Hard to say. I'm ready to really sweat tonight and get that Easter dinner out of me. I have ham bloat today. It was so good, but I ate just a little too much as my body is informing me. But I love ham. It's so tasty. And I made a salad that was too die for. And don't get me started on the asparagus with cheese sauce. But I digress. Here are the stats for this week...


Weight: 178.4 (up 0.4 from last week, not surprising with Easter dinner and my inability to "maintain" my weight... If I'm not losing I'm gaining)
Measurements: Not until the end!! But I'm dying to...
Motivation: Leery and excited all in one fail swoop. Kinda crazy that I only have 4 weeks left!!
Strength: I feel pretty good. I had a bit of a back spasm last night (happens to me sometimes, weird, but it ain't much fun). Everything feels good and strong today and I'm ready to roll for tonight's Fit Test and workout. Bring it on Shaun T, BRING. IT. ON.

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