Friday, April 3, 2015

The FitBit Phenomenon

As promised, I am going to review the illustrious device that the world calls a FitBit.

I will of course do this in list form. I would like to preempt this list by stating that the FitBit has most definitely brought out my obsessive side, as predicted, but it has also surprised me in several ways. For the good. Surprises for the good are always, well, good.

1. 10,000 steps is more than you think. I knew ahead of time that I probably wasn't hitting the mark. Between school, my desk job, and editing for photography, I spend a fair amount of time sitting. I had been halfway tracking my steps on my iPhone, but I don't always carry it, so I didn't think it was very accurate. Last week I got delayed at the Denver airport for 6 1/2 hours so I walked laps, it took me awhile to make 10,000 steps. Longer than I anticipated. The FitBit makes me hit that goal daily. How does this little rubber device accomplish that feat? It somehow knows that I hate to fail. And only making 8,000 steps is a B grade. I don't like B grades. I'm an A girl all the way.

2. I have become less efficient. I am that person that will load 37 grocery bags on one arm so that I don't have to go back to the car for a second load. I am a time efficiency queen. If someone can do something in 10 minutes, I'll find a way to do it in 6. Life is a race to me. Always has been. I am built for speed, not distance. Actually, if you saw me, I'm not built for either, but you get the idea. I like to get things done quickly and efficiently. Now, with this little device strapped to my arm I have to find ways to put extra steps in my day. Twice this week I walked to work instead of driving. It is a 5 minute drive... Or, it is a 35 minute walk. I park as far away as I can from the grocery store, or school, or wherever I am at.  Not very efficient, but by-golly I hit my step mark.

3. Speaking of walking to work... I am spending more time out of doors. Which is GREAT for me. I love it. I love where I live. I love the scenery. I love this early Spring. So, the fact that this little device has pushed me back out into that world is a definite perk.

4. My competitive nature is in full swing. You get to have FitBit friends. We should all be encouraging each other to reach our goals, but I just want to beat them all. It's an ugly little side of my personality not many people get to witness, but here it is. You get to look at your dashboard and see where you rank next to everyone else that is a FitBit friend. I'll top that list one of these days. You can bet your sweet patooty I will.

5. I go walk at my lunch. This trend started the week or two before the FitBit arrived, but now it is a must do if I am going to make my steps each day. The craziest thing happened today. I jogged. Not the entire time. I started by running from telephone pole to telephone pole. Once I realized it wasn't killing me I ran two telephone poles. I did one stretch that was 1/2 mile long. I would break for one telephone pole distance and then pick up again. I have been afraid to run. I didn't think my back would take it. But, my back has been pretty good lately. Every so often it talks to me, but the walking seems to be helping. I jogged today. One more time... I jogged today. I didn't think I would ever say those words again. I walked/jogged almost 4 miles worth during my lunch hour. That is awesome. I don't even know why I decided to. I just kinda took off. One of the guys I work with asked me how much weight I have lost this morning. Of course I didn't have an answer, but what it told me is that other people are able to see a difference now. Kinda made me feel good. Especially after the weigh-in downer from last week. They say that it takes 4 weeks for people to start noticing that you are losing weight. I'm only three months in, no need to rush the process. Maybe the FitBit/compliment combination pepped me up, maybe it was just time for me to try and run again. Whatever the reason, I was shocked. You know what happens when I run... I can't think. Or I at least can't think about anything but my breathing and putting one leg in front of the other. To find an activity that shuts down my brain is a big deal. Who knows if I will keep jogging, but it did feel good today.

6. It syncs easily with my phone, computer, and calorie app. I like ease of syncing. Technology is great when it works and when it doesn't I want to set it on fire after throwing out a window and running it over repeatedly. Lucky for FitBit, it works great.

7. I liked this thing so much after a day of wearing it, I bought one for a friend. She is in a similar boat as me. She is drop dead gorgeous (this is where her and I differ, me not so much), born with a terrible metabolism despite her high level of activity, and she is tired of fighting the battle of the bulge. I feel like the FitBit is a way to sneak in more activity without really trying. It is almost like playing a game. It doesn't even count as "working out." I got a message from her 12 hours after I gave it to her about how much she loved it. I totally got it. It is addicting.

8. I earn badges. Kinda like Girl Scouts without the Mormon subtext. They are virtual, so I don't get to sew them on a vest or anything. To me they are a means of recognition, a grade if you will. And you all know how I feel about getting good grades.

9. The battery lasts forever. Call me crazy, but why don't iPhones have FitBit batteries. This thing is GPSing, talking to my phone, and counting all day long. Its not just hanging out in sleep mode. I have been wearing it for a week out of the box and have yet to charge it. If someone made a phone battery that lasted like that they would never have to cook for themselves, do laundry, or drive again. They would be able to afford people to do all those things for them.

10. This is really my only negative line item and neither of these things is the FitBit's fault, just things that have come to light since its advent in my life. My underwear fall down when I walk or jog (that's right, since I have jogged once, I am laying claim to being a jogger). Are they too small? Are they too big? Do I wear the wrong kind of underwear? I seriously have no idea. And to top of that little gem, I am the stinky kid in class. I don't get a full on sweat when I walk, but if I am hustling I get that low-grade sweat that is isolated to my armpits and anything my bra touches. I am a sweater by nature. My deodorant can't keep up with my intervals of low grade sweating. When I do my regular workouts I take a shower after, so it's not an issue. Same with hot yoga. I can't take a shower every time I take a stroll. #fatstinkykidproblems

Sooooooo, all in all, I give this little wrist band two thumbs up. The sleep tracking I could give or take, but I love how this little thing has sneakily motivated me to get moving. I am slowly getting over the wearing something on my wrist all the time. I'm feeling a little less claustrophobic about it since it is performing so well in all other areas. Life is about give and take, man.

On a side note. Is anyone as disturbed as me that rompers are back in style??? I cannot not think of an outfit that I am less likely to wear. That is just begging for me to wet my pants... And since they are one piece, it would mean that I wet my shirt too. No thank you. No rompers for this chic.