Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Beginning

Beginnings are scary. Beginnings are new. Beginnings are a lot of unknowns. Beginnings are good. Today I find myself at a beginning. I am starting P90X3 tomorrow. Today I weighed, measured, took pictures, and performed the Fit Test. I am nervous that this thing is gonna really kick my hiney. I am excited that this thing might really kick my hiney. It has been awhile since T25 has really made me sore. And, like it or not, soreness means progress. I am planning to continue my running program and am going to start looking for a race that I want to do. We'll start with a 5k and go from there. If I can make it to yoga, I'm going to. I truly believe that the benefits of the yoga are endless. I also believe that because it is an hour drive from house, it is logistically hard for me to get to. So, that is my plan for now. I may also go hike today 'casue I love it and the sun is shining.

In keeping with the honest nature of this blog I am going to share my measurements with you. This is a big deal. I can't think of very many women that will willingly tell you what they weigh and how many inches their thighs are. But, I want to understand two things from this, 1)It doesn't matter. What I weigh doesn't matter. I like myself right now. I like how hard I have worked to get to this point. These measurements are starting points. Jumping off places. Some of them will surprise you, some of them surprised me. I don't feel the least bit bad about any of them. I do maybe wish I hadn't pigged-out on take-out Chinese food last night, but hey, I was hungry. 2)Don't be afraid to measure yourself. It is a good thing to know where you are at. It can point out the areas that you want to improve. It can point out the areas that you are perfectly happy with. If you want to feel better about yourself, compare your measurements to mine. I don't mind. The only thing that I ask is that you look at them from a healthy place, as a place to build goals, not even remotely a place to knock yourself down.

Here goes nothin...

Weight 237.6 pounds. Height 5 feet 6 inches.
Waist 44.5 inches. Hips 50.0 inches. Chest 44.0 inches. (These three measurements confirm my theories that A)I am flat chested, and, B)I am shaped like a square.)
Right arm 16.5 inches. Left arm 16.5 inches.
Right thigh 29.5 inches. Left thigh 29.0 inches.
Body fat 30.0%. (Yes, I am a freak and have a body fat caliper. A mean little pinchy thing device.)
Shirt size: XXL or XL depending on the brand. Jeans size:16 or 34 depending on the brand.

Fit Test:
Resting heart rate 70 beats per minute.
Pull-ups 1.
Vertical leap 9 inches. (Measure with my arm extended above me, make a vertical jump and measure the difference between the two.)
Push-ups (on knees) 31. (Max out)
Toe Touch +2 inches. (Finger reach beyond heels when sitting with legs flat on the floor.)
Wall squat 2 minutes. (Max out)
Bicep curls 36 reps at 10 pounds. (Max out)
In and Out abs 14 reps. (Max out)
Heart Rate Maximizer 130 beats per minute. (Jumping jacks at max for 90 seconds)
1 minute post 90 beats per minute.
2 minutes post 80 beats per minute.
3 minutes post 74 beats per minute.
4 minutes post 74 beats per minute

I was kind and spared you the "swimwear attire" that they asked for. I don't swim, thus I don't have swimwear. I also have no intentions of posting half naked pictures of me on the internet. You get the idea of what I currently look like.

90 days from now you will see another post similar to this one. Here's hoping that it looks and reads a little differently. I can already tell you that there is one cool feature to P90X3... It has an app! Who doesn't love an app! I downloaded the fit test on app and it guided me through it. I recorded all my stats in it. I can use it to do my workouts on the road because they are all there on the app and I can use it to buy additional workouts if I want to. All sorts of cool! Getting off on the right foot (or the left, whichever floats your boat)!!! Happy Sunday all, drink your water.

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