Friday, April 10, 2015

Shoes. I have a problem.

First, let's just get this out of the way. I, Funny Fat Chic, have lost 8 pounds since the weigh-in incident of March 2015. That was 13 days ago. We are going to have a brief celebration about this and then we are going to forget it. Here's why. I haven't measured yet. I decided that since I am so close to starting a new workout regime, that I would measure everything then. Measurements are a much better (and mentally healthy) way to track progress. This morning, I don't know what came over me, but I thought, let's see if this FitBit is helping me drop any weight. And sure enough, it is. So is Shaun T. So is my clean eating. So is MyFitness Pal app. So is my attitude. The point of this is that yes, I dropped some pounds, good deal, but it is not the only goal that I am trying to obtain and the scale is not the only motivator. Not by a long shot. In the past two weeks I have started jogging again. That is crazy. And just as important and a big deal as dropping several pounds. I am starting to see some definition in my legs (only noticeable to me, I'm sure) and my arms. God bless weight training. I have upped my weights from 8 pounders to 10 pounders, cool. Go me! So, yes, I lost some weight, but, no, it is not the only thing that I think is important. And, yes, I still hate the scale. From the bottom of my heart, I hate that scale.

Now, for the meat and potatoes of this post. Whoops, I just got a little hungry.

I have a shoe problem. I thought it was limited to pretty cowboy boots. That was pure denial on my part. I have 3 pairs of Sanuks. If you have never tried on Sanuks, run, don't walk and get yourself a pair (or 3). I have no less than 8 pairs of cowboy boots. I have 2 pairs of converse. I have NO idea how many pairs of flip-flops I have. Now, it is turning into tennis shoes. I just ordered another pair this morning. Since I am jogging, my indoor workout shoes have turned into my outdoor workout shoes and I don't have a pair of go to town tennis shoes. Are you following all that. So, I ordered another pair this morning. I LOVE Asics. I am not dogging any other brand of shoes, Asics are just the ones that suit my feet. I have never had a break-in period with them, my feet don't get sore, and my knees stay pretty good. So, I am always happy with them. They come in crazy colors, like most tennis shoes these days do. This is getting out of hand. One pair for inside, one pair for outside, one pair for going to town. Mix this in with the fact that I have worn nothing but my workout leggings all day everyday this week and we might as well have us an intervention right now!! I guess my change in fashion is the price I am going to have to pay for becoming a healthier, more fit me. I apologize to any of you that run into me and I am donning workout leggings, a hoodie, and sweaty hair. These are my new accessories and I am wearing them shamelessly. I have even contemplated the running shoes that go in-between your toes. This is coming from a person that can't handle anything touching her feet. Or things between her toes. I haven't pulled the trigger on getting a pair of them yet. If I do, you'll know it is time to step in and have a heart-to-heart with me.

Happy Friday! Drink your water!! Move you hiney!!!

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