Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Musings of a would be fitness geek...

I'm gonna throw this out there. I am a fitness expert.

Ha! Snort. Pfffffft. Fart noise. Thumbs down. But you think I would be as many fitness programs as I have been through, as many articles as I have read, as many pounds as I have lost and then put out a man hunt for and found again. You would think I know everything there is to know about fitness. NOT! Here's why. Fitness is a continuum, not a destination or a arbitrary point. They find out new things ALL. THE. TIME. about what makes people fit. What helps people lose weight. What type of training you need to do for what type of goal. It changes constantly. For good reason too. Long, long ago, you just had to run to be fit. If you ran a mile in under 8 minutes, you could do anything. Now sports have evolved to the point that they are specialized and require specialized training. This is a good thing. No wasted efforts, you can train to be what you want to be.

I just want to look good in my "Whiskey Makes Me Frisky" tank top and some cut off jean shorts this summer while I am throwing elbows and fighting my way to the stage to try to get my hands on Kid Rock in the flesh. What's the training program for that???

I ran again today. Can you believe it? The weather was the kind of cool outside that only happens after a Spring rain. I ran in a hoodie. I love running in a hoodie. It makes me feel like Rocky Balboa and I have a tiny little Apollo Creed on my shoulder egging me on.

I paid $4.99 for a new app for my iPhone. I realize that a person should never pay more than $0.99 for an app, but this one peaked my interest. I know I talked about apps the other day in the FitBit Phenomenon post, but I found another MUST HAVE one. It is called Running and it by RedRock Apps. It is basically a Siri for running. I put in my headphones, turn on my iTunes, and then click on my Running app. This lovely voice comes on and tells me what to do. She tells me to warm up, she tells me when to run, she tells me when to walk, she tells me when to cool down. She is programmed to increase my intensity with each session. She is an interval trainer, and according to my expert knowledge of late, interval training is supposed to be the most effective way to train for runners and for weight loss. Now, I'm not saying that I am training for anything but that Kid Rock concert just yet, but I could envision me participating in some 5K's down the road if I keep this up. Anyways, back to the app. When it is time for her to talk, she turns down the volume on my music without turning it off and says her peace, then she turns it right back up. I loved not knowing when I was going to start and stop. Before it was me picking a point and deciding that I was running to that point. Like it or not, when I get to the ending of that point I weaken a little. It's human nature to drift just a little when you know you get to stop. Even if my stride doesn't falter, my mind weakens a little, I start thinking about nothing other than that stopping point. With this, I wasn't making any of the decisions. Not a dang one of them. I had no idea when she was gonna start me running or scale me back to a walk. It was perfect! I even beat my time from last week by about 10 minutes. Bonus!! Must have app if you are a runner, just saying.

I have bought some new t-shirts lately. I am trying to reward myself with things other than food. To be honest, I haven't even been all that worried about food lately. I still log my calories daily, but I feel like I have my nutrition decisions in check for the most part. Did I eat wings at Buffalo Wild Wings when I took my Mom out for dinner and a movie the other night? You bet I did. Did I eat too much at Easter dinner on Sunday? Absolutely. But I budgeted my calories for the day and I didn't do that bad. And I have been back to normal since then. I don't feel like those examples are even a cheat, they just happened. They were just apart of life. I didn't eat 25 wings like used to. I didn't eat until I was sick on Easter, just had an extra helping of the things I loved (asparagus fries and broccoli salad if you must know). I feel like I am hitting my stride in the nutrition department and it feels good because I am not constantly worried about it. I actively think about what I am eating, I plan my meals for the day, but then I don't stress about every single thing I put in my mouth. It's a little less stress. Which is nice. My t-shirts are really cute too. I find funky vendors off of Pinterest and Etsy and I pay them $25 for a t-shirt and I don't even feel bad about it. Plus, they fit, which is good for a person's self-confidence. Baggy, boxy clothes don't really make you feel purty.

Avocados are currently hands down my most favorite food. I eat about a half of one a day. They are amazingly tasty. I love them on salad. I love them with eggs, either baked or mashed up with a hard-boiled one. I love them mashed with chickpeas on sprouted bread for an open face sandwich. I love them as guacamole. I REALLY love them as guacamole. I love them straight out of the skin on a spoon. I love them as baked avocado fries (asparagus fries sexy, cool cousin). I would never, I repeat, never, waste one by putting it on my face. That is just wrong. Avocado facials are for people that have never had the pleasure of guacamole.

I am in a quandary as to what work out to buy next. I started following this gal named Natalie Jill on Facebook. She is hot. Holy heck hot. I would love to look like her. She looks like she could whip someone in a UFC fight, jump off the stage, let her hair down, slip on some heels and go make an elegant entrance at a White House dinner. That kind of hot. I would love to look even a little like her. So, she has some work out programs that she sells. Or, I could switch from T25 over to Insanity Max 30. I love Shaun T, I am devoted to him and his work out methodologies (can you believe that is even a real word???). Or, I could switch to something else in the Beach Body family like P90X3 or 21 Day Fix. I have about 2 weeks left on T25 which gives me about a week to decide. Weigh in if you have have a preference of which way you would like me to go. If there is a program that you are dying to try but would like a review or want to know someone that did it, shout it out. I'm game!

That is all from this would be fitness expert for today. Drink your water. Throw a little lemon in it. Move your hiney!

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