Tuesday, March 31, 2015

It's official... I'm weird.

Just in case you guys had any doubts... I took a vote between me, myself, and I and it was unanimous. I'm weird. And getting weirder. Some of these came to light when I was travelling last week for work, some of them are everyday occurrences. Here is a list of things that I have noticed myself participating in lately (there is a good chance that I am beyond all help):

1. I am hooked on workout leggings. You know how I talked about yoga pants not actually being for yoga. As it turns out leggings are quite handy. The ones that I am sporting these days are knock-offs of compression pants, as in they look the same but don't cost the same. I love them so much that after payday I plan on buying no less than seven more pairs. Who cares if I ever fit in my jeans again. I found workout leggings. I have been wearing them to work. My excuse is that I am walking at lunch. Truth... I don't ever want to wear pants again if I don't have to. I even wore them to Wal*Mart one day with a hooded sweatshirt, a ball cap, and no make-up. This is sooooooo far out of character for me I don't even know who that person was that day. But I do know that she will probably be the star in the next mass email entitled People of Wal*Mart.

2. I have a hard time sitting still. I don't tweak the whole time I am sitting somewhere, but I do get up as often as possible and I consider anything beyond 20 minutes a challenge/torture. This was aptly demonstrated by the 47 laps I did of the Denver airport when we got delayed there last Wednesday for 6 and a half hours. My boss started clocking me. Good news, I got my steps in, bad news, I don't know how healthy my Zen is right now.

3. Travel weirdness #2. I don't like escalators. I don't like flat escalators, I don't know what their technical name is so I will refer to them as 2-dimensions escalators from here on out. When posed with the option of stairs or an escalator, I will choose the stairs every time. Before you pat me on the back for making a heart-healthy choice, know this, it has nothing to do with my health. I am afraid that I will trip and fall (entirely likely) and my afro mop of a head of hair will get caught in it and I will either end up bald or trampled to death by the other passengers on the escalator. If I trip on the stairs I am looking at a broken limb at best. It's really about risk assessment. Same deal with 2-dimension escalators, trip, fall, hair caught, bald, road rash on face, death by trampling.

4. I eat an inordinately large amount of Tabasco and other items deemed as "hot" by other people. I knew this already, but I had not realized that it was reaching epic proportions. When we were in Houston we went to a BBQ joint one evening for dinner. This was my travel splurge. I tried really hard to portion myself for the rest of the trip, but ME + TEXAS BBQ = ALL BETS ARE OFF. One of the sides I ordered was Jalapeno Pinto Beans. I thought they would be a healthier choice than Baked Beans. At the end of the line they had a giant vat of sliced jalapenos. I loaded up on those and headed for the picnic table outside. One of my travel companions was sitting across from me watching me douse the beans and jalapenos with Tabasco without even tasting them. I instinctively knew they were not hot enough. And they weren't. And in all honesty Tabasco isn't really hot anymore either, just kinda flavorful vinegar. She commented that I was going to ruin my taste buds. I'm afraid that ship has sailed.

5. I have a fear of flying. Now, this isn't all that weird, lots of people are afraid of flying. But the root of my fear is a little strange. Is it the take off or landing? Nope. I like the view up there. Is it the speed with which the plane goes? Nope. I'd test drive a race car tomorrow if someone would let me. Is it the thought of a plane crash? Yes. 5%. That reason is the same percentage of fear that I have of slipping and breaking a hip in the shower. Pretty nominal. Is it being in a confined space with 160 other people? DING! DING! DING! We have a winner. I am not meant to be around or confined by large crowds. Weirds me straight out. Every time someone coughed I knew I was getting Ebola. Every time a kid cried, I wanted to stab my eyes out. Every time a stranger touched me, I almost had a Rain Man come apart. As much as those of you that know me think I am a people person, it is restricted to 4, maybe 5 people tops. Anything beyond that I am a neurotic mess.

6. I am getting into gadgetry and I don't hate it. After getting my FitBit, I have all kinds of apps on my iPhone (I have NO idea what I was doing before an iPhone). I have my calorie app (My Fitness Pal) and it talks to my FitBit app and vice versa. I was worried about being all obsessive about my steps and calories, and I am. No doubt about it. I religiously plug my info in whenever I eat. I check my steps several times a day. I am confident that the calorie app is helping me stay accountable on my portions and is helping me analyze how much carbs/fat/protein I am eating along with sodium and vitamin levels. So, that can't be all bad. The FitBit is undoubtedly making think about getting up and moving more. I have another app that has a virtual version of me at my current weight and then another virtual version of me at my goal weight. I can change her clothes and turn her around. She gives me a visual of what I am working towards. It is called My Model. And finally I have Yoga Body. It allows me to see yoga poses to do on the fly, gives out occasional tips, and links to a podcast I sometimes listen to. So, I have turned into a geek. A big one.

I'm gonna cut this list short at 6 items. But trust me, there are more. Maybe it is what I am evolving into in my old age. Maybe I have always been weird and I am just willing to admit it now. Who knows, but the weird is most certainly there out in the open for all the world to see. You're welcome.

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