Thursday, March 5, 2015

Well, crap.

Debilitating flu in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...!!

I vowed not to get sick this time. I seem to be especially susceptible to respiratory infections of all kinds. I blame it on still having my tonsils. Damn tonsils. There has been a decent bout of the flu running around my town and my family. I was hoping that by being gone last weekend I was going to avoid the infectious phase.

Yeah, about that. Yesterday I was thinking uh-oh, I'm getting sick. By the end of the day I was D-O-N-E done. Today I wish someone would put me out of my misery. I played hookie from my afternoon class, ran by Wal*Mart and got some stuff to make soup, and promptly went home. I am skipping my workout today. I haven't legitimately skipped a workout since I started this whole shin dig again. I don't think it would have done me one bit of good to battle through this one. As a matter of fact, I'm sure I would have tapped out 5 minutes in to it. Instead I consumed at least a half a pot of white bean-kale-butternut squash-& little bit of chicken soup. I put A LOT of red pepper flakes and garlic in it to burn this nasty bug out of me. I'm gonna venture a guess that the "soreness" I thought I had from working out earlier this week was actually the precursor body aches for this gnarly thing that is overtaking me right now.

I am a bundle of sweatshirts, snot, Vics Vapor Rub, and wadded up toilet paper right now. GROSS!!!

I have a big weekend coming up that involves travelling and shooting a wedding, so I need to be on my A-game. Speedy recovery in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...!!

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