Thursday, March 19, 2015

To heck with it.

I said to heck with it today. Have you ever done that? Even though you had something else (most likely important) to do, but something else was calling your name. It seduced you into to saying to heck with it.

I have full plate these days. Don't feel sorry for me, I do it to myself. I have myself in a moderate state of overwhelmed at all times. That is where I comfortably live. But, today, I have had just about enough. My personal life is getting more demanding. My work life is ever growing. And, it is my last day of class before Spring Break. I had a test in my hardest class this morning. I have had several big assignments due this week. My brain is fried. I am a smart person, but I am not an academic. My heart (and body) belong outside. So, when It came to lunch time today instead of rushing back inside to work on more homework after I scarfed my open-faced avocado and egg salad on sprouted bread sandwich, I went for a walk. It was absolutely glorious outside. I made two full laps around the campus in 30 minutes. I listened to the funkiest music I had in my iTunes. I danced a little sometimes regardless of passing cars or lookyloos. About 3/4 of the way through the first lap I started feeling pretty darn good. It felt good to thumb my nose at my homework. It felt good to feel the sunshine on my face. It felt good to move myself. 

Sometimes you just have to say the heck with it and go soak up some vitamin D and dance in the street like no one is watching. 

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