Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Fart Hear 'Round the World

Happy Saturday!

I hit up hot yoga for the first time in a almost two weeks this morning. It was a little rough. I was full-on empty stomach, and it was a new-to-me instructor, and she kept it HOT in there. Thus, the inevitable nausea set in. I did pretty good through the standing postures and even got some more stretch and extension than before. The standing head to knee pose has always just been a battle to be able to grab my foot with one hand, let alone two. Now I can grab with both and extend my leg. So, hey, progress.

The yoga room is basically in the shape of a giant capital P. Normally we are in the back of the room in the corner, which is the bottom part of the curve side of the P. The yoga instructors told my Mom that she had to change her spot due to the fact that she has kind of stalemated on her progress. She has just stayed the same for a little while. She struggles with the balancing postures a lot, but she also doesn't try very hard to do them either. I'm glad they said something to her instead of me. Instant fight starter if I said anything, I'm sure. So, today we moved to the front of the room but to the far side. The bottom half of the straight part of the P. This puts us right at the front mirrors. I kinda liked this move. Since it had been a couple weeks I wanted to gawk around anyways and this kept me more focused. Once the balancing posture were over and we dropped to the floor, I could really feel the heat. I've never seen that kind of heat. Steaming, white hot, heat, bro. (Name that movie).

We roll through the floor poses and get to Camel. I've talked about Camel before, it is the one that does funny things to people. Some people get queasy (me), some people cry, they have had people throw up. It a weird one, man. Well, apparently it also makes some people fart. We stood up on our knees, I'm doing everything I can to not have icky burps, and what squeaks out of someone, a big ole fart. Pfffffffffft! Now, by process of elimination, I know it wasn't me. My Mom was right next to me and there was one gal behind us kinda kitty corner. One of them was the culprit. Everyone in the room was a lot more adult about it than I am being now. They just pretended they didn't hear it. I heard it. People outside of the room heard it. People down the street heard it. People in Russia heard it. That's how quiet it was in that room when it happened. It really was The Fart Heard Round The World!! Yoga, I tell you what, it is a new experience every time I go in there.

There was a new instructor today and she talked extensively during the class. She followed the words, but she filled in the space in between. She talked about all the healing things you can do for your body with your breath and the different things that each of the postures can do for your health. She had specific hormones, and lymph nodes, and systems that she could recite. I liked that. It made me think of my friend. I'm not saying that yoga can cure cancer, but what if it could help her supportively. Supportive care is important too. I might see if she is game when she gets back from her next round of treatments. If nothing else, it can't hurt, right?

Have a great weekend, and if you hear a strange noise around 8:30AM tomorrow, well, you know.

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